The Comforte Of My Room

    I'm in the comfort of my room I Shake spears where romeo finally realizes his mistakes and know that all girls are the same just with my fingers, - drunk figures, the comfort of my room - my council of nicea, where religion is discussed assessed and the fall for psychic sciences are evaluated and retracted, the comfort of my room, the cum forte of my room where i can think of comfort with comfort, so with greased palms come forth my seeds. while i might tell you the parable of the sower, showing you that since you are seeds, since with sins. you are damned. the didacticism is hopelessness - thanks son or girl i wouldn't know,- run down my hands- playful lot. now i'm drowsy.
Reach my hands and blow hot air on it - aerosol put on socks on my legs and rub them together, could be awake and still be sleeping, I just could be President. pot a feet from the bed, i serve a plate,or two i might smoke it too.
  In the comfort of my room i laugh at my self, my own jokes - movies in my head and watch the plot clot, to the comfort of my room I'm Prince Charming, Herc, Superman, and Hitler- dance to my music superstar puke-singing to my million fans on concert, mob boss and don't even think of coming into my house on the day that my daughter is about to be married, teetotaler superstar footballer addicted to attention
    Welcome to the comforte of my room where the bed is scattered with clothes squished face smile at unworn ones, in the comfort of my room Armageddon is none of my business- meet the only survivor of world war three the last man on earth watch me dream wakingly, wake up sleepingly, sord english! i profess professionalism to professors prophesying about prophets sighing let just say in here Charles Dickens have nothing on me.
 Toilet too far have got a cup.. no segregation in my room urine is side by side with water come to the comfort of my room and help me decide on my next porn welcome to the comforte of my room dark and dirty. smelly with poignancy of funkiness oozed from sweating armpits play a endless number of songs; i could rap, and boy am i good! watch me kill freestyles rivalring Eminem so much hippy lesbians with emo Mohawks were too confused at what candy bar would fit them, chewing M&Ms at the sex store.
 Am in the comfort of my room,  sleep with my legs hung and my hands massaging my vas deference don't know if it AM or PM because the blinds are shut because what can you talk about when you have never seen. and the need to feel the ground makes you perpetually below average height showing the vast difference and differential vastness in exposure and sight of height seeing. 
 In the comfort of my room. pluck my eye lashes for the fun of it. in the comfort of my room where i (musters something) on my self, Twice! i philosophies and talk about the chicken and the egg and how they shouldn't both exist, get drunk,can play Paak as loud and sing alongly aloud. with white panties and a Hawaiian shirt like El Padrino.

in the comfort of my room the supposedly cum forte of my room there in the comfort of my room. i could think of you, depressed about the press not talking about true love stories like ours - Mi and Yu meant to be, like Chinese cousins.
in the comfort of my lonely room, i think of you, and for a long time, there in the comfort of my boring room;i think of what we could have been, can never forget your smile your torture i wish i hadn't met you, I lie! on the bed, then i remember that night you placed your legs on mine and look at my face for reaction
if you want one..
I would kiss your toes and lick them  kiss your ankles and  run my hand down your thighs and make your legs tremble. Ever since i came into your room and saw you lie down with your panties atop your wrapper and your breast lying helplessly on your chest i have wanted you in the comfort of my room where i would hold you.touch you., blindfold my eyes and let our hands search for our bodies and literally be blinded by love
   In the comfort of  room where we would sweat chasing each other and you'd let me catch you giving me your body letting me touch you all over, there in the comfort of my room where you would rest your face on my hands. and i would kiss your parted lips, there too. i would run my fingers on your swollen nipples and put your hands on my budge. there too.
the comfort of my room- yours the comfort of our room.
  But in the pillow returns to the bed withdraws with guilt written on its faces feeling violated and sorry for me, there in the comfort of my room i stay always lonely with mental comfort off my room' i would replace you if i wood. as i in thoughts love and will always love you. in the comfort of our room where loneliness is the sit by the bed side and sings softly to me.

by Victor Samuel
