Pour me on the floor

Fire and brimstones, smokes and things
Word for things I do not see
Devil and demons, angels, horns and wings
Live how I want to, their cup of tea
Lay the base, the cement on which the block lays
Microphone in the distance calling for home
Echoed by a fair voice from a dome of clay
Typhoon and tsunami, sea filled with foam
it took Hallelujah to bring the wall down
how many will it take to bring the God down
nightry look at it, the gates of our existence
fecund, veiled darkly by a triangular cloth
Mistress and mystics, thieves and pastors
Money for things I do not feel
Ages to ages, honey, oil and castors
Pray to who you want to , kill when you feel
Feel my face, as sweat rolls down from it
The load on my head, the print on my skull
Tell your story tell another,let another learn from it
The toad in the water, underneath the tree so tall
only snails in the barrel blind to each other
We only climb up just to fall and crack some shell
Say it with me the world is a crazy place
But be careful who you tell.

by Victor Samuel
