I welcome you to the Age of few, An age well upon us based on the over saturation of intellect we posses and want to share to people who in turn have other things and information to barter with. It is an age where we literally have too much information right at our finger tips and hence  don't have the time to listen to, read or see everything no matter how much time we make. Imagine me writing this, A blog, amidst millions probably writing about this same thing, at the same time, prior to lately oblivious of our existence as we junk the web with the same didactic messages and refined copies of what many people before us have been saying in difference words languages and voices on varied platforms, Are they all shouts to the deaf.

Everything been said each and every which way – AbSoul

Based on this, our attention spans dwindles with time, tethered to the cords of our phones, headsets, and chargers we are in a state of perpetual fear of missing out, in form of latest news, messages from friends, and ephemeral trends we have to participate in before it wanes social medias, platforms and messages, and also in no small way our work, family and  chores . And the little time we get to spend in blog are filled with the same macabre or morals or a blend of both that have existed since Cain killed Abel.  
So In welcoming us to this age, we implore us all artist, in our every and varied ways to keep it short and simple not to exceed certain limit in saying whatever it is one wants to write or say and beg fellow sufferers out there who junk the web with our numerous reviews and feelings about certain things, that we have to an extent keep the best part of our adjectives to ourselves and make everything you are trying to say terse and to the point.
Including me

Victor Samuel
