Explaining the Loneliness In the World; Kate Tempest's Everybody Down

   The world whether we like it or not have become a very lonely place, where money is the first,second and third thought of everyone. Love is no longer spoken with reverence or as something to be cherished, I listened to Kate Tempest’s Everybody’s Down a very complicatedly beautiful album where I fell in clear with the song“Lonely Daze” which plays on word “Lonely Days” it highlights the way the world have come to be a very depressing place as people look into each other’s eyes with fears of what will come and  not knowing if the so called person can be trusted or not.
When was the last time you walked up to a complete stranger and struck up a conversation? Sometimes when I see a person, I wonder how many like me have said this same things I am about to say, and when they inch in closer, I kind of chicken out, With the belief that they are all the same. When we do take that leap of faith believing maybe this person could be worth it,we find out that the person is a well packaged lie, or  get disappointed when our expectations are not met
To love is easy, trust is the main issue, trusting someone takes a lot and with everyone walking around with scars and trauma from previous human encounters we constantly ourselves disappointed because the said person turned out to be the same thing you were running from.
Soon the whole world becomes a scam waiting to happen, when then do we reach our precipice? When do we finally relax, Human relationship are all important even the flimsy of friendship and casual of acquaintances as sometimes we just need someone to talk to, who we can be totally open to, Someone to laugh with, who wants to touch your body and let our heart beat a little bit faster.
Most times you go and approach a person hoping for at least an interesting conversation to end the night with and you find the rebuff so antagonistic you just sigh at the foolishness, Doubly so with the rise of feminism which have move for fighting for the equal right of the woman to visceral animosity
towards men, And its not only relationships even our friendships are not valued, as most of us forget about each other the moment to get to a place of greener pasture they try to forget the moment you shared because those moments only remind them of a period of their life which they seek to forget.
These days we pride ourselves on how lonesome we are and how we intend to make it to the top by our selves but in reality though we reach out to total strangers for help and when they do  help us we act as if we got there magically.
The loneliness of the world comes from a flawed perception the world have place on feeling weak and admitting to helpless we act as we are special when truly we are not. Yes I understand, Que sera Que sera but sometimes what will be might take time. What we are now a group of egoistic morons that are too big to pick up of the phone and yell  I love you to the receiver Still it might stem from cowardice or the ripple of regret, As many have taken that leap of faith and have been rejected or have their hopes dashed by ignoramus really who we thought were mystifying because they didn’t speak much but n reality were just dumb insecure with nothing to say,

Kate Tempest tries to offer an explanation to this madness as her spoken word style of rapping elucidates the loneliness and perfect peaceful ennui that is modern human existence today, and the searching for love and the fear and hope attached to every new face. As Hollywood joins forces with the innumerable novels and picture perfect images on social media that promise paradise, and create within us an empty hunger of a person who will make us feel whole but the flip side is that the person who we hope will fix us is just as broken as Debbie in Marshall Law and not born to fix us, and even if we are lucky and we find someone perfect who also find us agreeable, just as we try to catch their gaze, we look away we are terrified.

Best songs; Lonely Daze, Marshall Law, Stink

  1. Marshall Law
  2. The Truth
  3. Lonely Daze
  4. Chicken
  5. The Beigeness
  6. Theme From Becky
  7. Stink
  8. The Heist
  9. To The Victor The
  10. CirclesQ
  11. A Hammer
  12. Happy End

Download HERE

by Victor Samuel
