Quotes XVII

  •  There can be no love without sacrifice
  • Our pains decides for us
  • What is life without sacrifice, what is sacrifice without revenge
  • When all you can do is walk, walk.
  • When you beat the body, you beat the mind
  • Behind the conspiracy of every child is the nagging tongue of a parent
  • When they annoy you, go out, kill your ego, come back and be quiet
  • If you have to remind yourself you have everything, something is definitely missin
  • Keep digging, an iguana will notice
  • Your day starts when you wake, try to make each day long
  • Everything is just, Until you decide otherwise
  • Train your children with love, rather than rear them with food, conditioning and punishment
  • I know it will make you laugh, that is why I did it
  • In time, you eventually write your own death
  • The reach of a man’s hand should be his goal
  • Lies might lick the clitoris but eventually the woman looks down
  • Art remains the voice and language of those who can't speak
  • We all pull on the limit of each other’s catharsis
  • How you are sacrificed will determine how the altar will be stained
  • What makes you so sure?
  • We are in a constant battle between individuation and control, where control of individuation is individuation without control
  • A man is a sum of all he knows 
  • There is no one exactly like me, so I shouldn’t hope to make familiar mistakes, to achieve familiar consequence 


Victor Samuel
