- Once they say, you find out why
- Learn the art of buying consciences heart and mind
- Never haggle with your health and don’t keep malice with the nurse
- As I pet the dog, I heal my heart
- Those who are quick to beg are lacking in sacrifice
- A selfish hand will remain dirty
- You are not just a person, you are an environment.
- The emptiness of a person life is measured viz a viz another’s corpse
- There is a way to do things slow you find out through pain
- A good plan takes about five years to fail
- They told me, why should I tell him
- Farming is a recluse’s joy
- Life is a well thought out mistake
- Carry your hoe to the farm, even on your rest days
- Be without guile like the Lion in the Serengeti and the camera man will come.
- Even the body is an instrument for your mind
- Emotions are coins tossiong
- Man is only free and happy when he is close with the unpredictability of nature
- With pain filled eyes, the lot lack luster
- As we grow older music take on a therapeutic form
- Civilzaion is man's endless fight with cobwebs
- See the world as an outsider, always see man without clothes
- It will never make you happy
- Be grateful for any kind of work that makes you scarce, I have seen what an idle mind can do
- Without a purpose most apes play with their genitals
- Your body must suffer for that which your mind now knows
- Love is rather the commitment of habit, than the fleeting sparks of lies
- Life is the torture of hope
- Without training the cat, eventually pisses on everything
- Until food sterilizes, there will always be hunger
- Every opportunity and disappointment is a learning curve
- Proximity is the curse of every sin
Victor Samuel
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