Currently in that mid of life, when I'm beginning to start looking forward to everything a child, sequesterance and stoic stability, looking for solace and as someone who have questioned a lot in life, I might just look for something to ease me through this simulation called life. In a constant battle between detachments transcendence and onanism, Naturally I thought about getting a TV.
I had bought one that didn’t serve me well, and of course I lost a lot of money trying to repair and refurnish this accursed TV. Fast forward years later and it feels I haven’t learned my lesson. All because I had a decoder I had taken and wanted to use, so I decided to do the rational thing and give the decoder out and voila no need for a television, I just decided what really is on TV but bad news and rigged sport.Why not go back to blogging, I know I have missed it.
Blame it on Father John Misty Pure comedy album on repeat or other lesson filled remote and personal experiences of mine but something have really took the elan out of life from me. Given the state of things, I thought of building a house, because I was thinking about investments but a house isn’t an investment
A House is not an investment It is just a haven for rats and cockroaches, a forever misaligned heap of blocks destined for dilapidation a waste of money time and effort on a sphere hurling through spaces destined for implosion, What I asked then is that house that cannot be destroyed what is that investment that will last long, and the answer came through effort filled thinking that the only house that can last and never get dilapidated is the house of the mind. Yes the house of the mind.
7.5 billion demented monkeys (To quote FJM) copulating and running a simulation in a matrix. They are the only investment that matter, for the goal in this simulation is MIND EXPANSION AND THE CONQUERING OF FEAR analyzed in the movie Defending your Life. If you doubt or don’t understand me, look around look at the house Jesus built, a poor son of a carpenter without a pot to piss in, walking around living a hippie life in the environs of modern day Sahara Asia, and today he is regarded as God, Look at the house Buddha built, an Indian Prince who just decided to walk and transcend greed and today he is forever living in the heart and mind of all who follow his precepts.
So instead of investing in sand the folly of our time I’d rather invest in the mind and find ways of exposing and espousing people to things that would educate and expand their minds.
So our goal will be to change thought process and looking at the state of the world today you will agree it is long overdue. If you are interested, wherever you are reading this in truly investing, join by building local radio station, a television station if you have money, parks with mini libraries in them, educating forums etc and We have a lot of sand to build on (7.5 billion people and populating)
So in my little quota I decided instead of buying a new television, why not go back to blogging my own channel for mind expansion for me and other brought here by the mind,
Victor Samuel
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