Buddhahood is Motherhood

  To be able to cushion the greed blows of another with a ready smile and look at the person and  see how pitifully he strives like a mother looking down at her breast feeding babe as he pinches her breast and bits her nipple, quietly stroking his head in love. That is true buddhahood.

Humans fickle tenants of the earth, who go back to the earth as bountiful humus must find the futility of their every breath in life  and understand that the paradox of life is best understood as in death complete death we are alive, Death in everything our ego, ambition, presuppositions and presumptions, expecting nothing but death.
When you look at people this way, you can almost see them back as young school boy and as girls clinging unto a grade. You see the mischievous little person in them and you can truly feel sorry for them. For you know that just like school the grade of life either a first class or a pass is meaningless.
Born into this world without any manual, ours is the suffering that is eternal and how best they can endure and best it with complete grace.
The greed of a man is sometimes devoid of understanding, but with a mindful thought process can be traced, found and understood like a mother, through care and cushioning of their claws and blows.

It takes a "oh maybe he has mouth to feed", or a "maybe he was punished as a child" to have a calmer outlook at things and most times we are rewarded for our caution. Care is femininity, when we are attuned highly we understand that the true and lost nature of man is motherliness, to care for another, one must show mother care . According to the Writings of the Daishonen it says "The baby doesn’t recognize it’s mother, but the mother never forgets the baby Shakyamuni Buddha is compare to the mother" positing further that appearances and nature their consistency (or lack thereof) from beginning to the end, How do I possess that which I can even hold in my hands or put in my pocket. For nothing stays in our hands, nothing not even glue.

Sever the cycle of sufferings of birth and death and the chase after wealth Finally attain the fruit of Buddhahood through a no claim towards anything earthy, and a strive to attain transcendence by showing to each other in the present while we are here, true care and love, Cloaking ourselves with a motherly nature for all beings on earth.

Greed  begets more greed
But you own nothing
For all these things you lay claim to
Existed before you were born
And will exist long after you are gone





