Just incase you were wondering what my daily routine feels like, my regimen is quite strict I'm a militant Marxist so my life is very structured.
The most important resource in life is not money but time, so I don't waste any minute of my life, time wasted can never be gotten back.
I run a small bookplace selling stationeries and media and teach Literature part time, so you know that this is not rich man's regimen. But it works for all clas of life. And its simple vegetarian and alkaline Diet centered lifestyle. So Life starts for me around 2am. But since thie is a model, I will start around 6am. I'm not big on exercises so here goes.
6am : 1 minute Plank, Yoga Stretches
7:30 am: Boil Beans (I eat beans everyday, the trick is to boil it with salt, sieve it and boil again to reduce flatulence, this is to eaten later in the evening or afternoon )
8am: Go over the days task, Do I blog, read or see a movie/documentary (I don't use any of the social media so there is no checking of anything)
10am: Start reading a book, or finish up on an articles afterwards Drink Garri (Cassava flakes with either dates groundnut or Moi moi) for blood sugar.
10am - 12pm: Blog, Read, Write or Teach.
12pm - 3pm : Starts reading either Vedas or Tantra, or any book I want
3pm - 5pm : Eat the beans and go for a long walk (Pick an album to listen to and review for the following month's curation)
5pm- 8pm: See a movie or an anime till I sleep
2am: - Wake up, read a chapter of the Nichiren Diashionin, chant fo5t 10 minutes and go back to sleep.
And that just about it. Wash rinse and repeat.
I only eat rice on Sundays, and don't eat bread or meat. At the end of the month I drink boiled scent leaf and lemon as a cleanse and anti-malaria.
The goal is to not consume any western diet or use western medicine, pure natural and food medicine. So why you might laugh at the poverty, This way I don't live beyond my means and maintain a sustainability, what do I know I'm just a stubborn communist.
In this state, I remain prim, mentally fit and functional, so be rest assured I will be blogging till I get tired of it, and like Plato, I will be in this creative and spiritual state till I am dead. With over 3 thousand movies and Documentaries, and 2 thousand PdFs, I'm pretty much scheduled for life.
With slight alterations in happy and sometimes sad days, I don't deviate from this regimen. And that is it, just in case you were wondering
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