A Critique of Awolowo’s Altruism


Awolowo carry right side give them, Dem slap am Kpa !! - Fela Kuti 

Awolowo’s Altruism is one of mamy the past exigencies that must now be brought under the knife to have a very careful look at the latent implosion destined as the fate of Nigeria today, consequent of an overpopulation given over as the Greek gift for the sporing of the epsilon sub humans that would make up the numbers needed to win a majority in government. Since democracy is a game of numbers, Awolowo championed a free Western education program which became the imprisonment and bastardization policy that have brought Nigeria to it's ruin. Imitating the thugs of the North who also converted their cultural group into a political party in order to cash in on what felt like politics of the wise and powerful over the gullible. In his crazed ambition, he practically destroyed our technological and artisan development, making our civilization quasi, disjointed and fraudulent, denying not just us but our children a full mental development, differed vocations, and aesthetics. He practically set the trebuchet for our eventual hard fall, destroying an entire race and it’ unborn generation for his greed. By imploring the exponential increase in population in order for him to win a majority in the House. He championed the breeding of what would become the subhuman and epsilon Nigerian horde that would never be able to out-think the shackles of Christianity; who hand in glove enforced the clerkish system of education that completely watered down our artisan, technology and budding civilization and way of life, enslaving our mind and reducing us to merely an alimentary electorate, imbued with hypnopaedia, conditioned by religion, sated and made docile by sex and homogeneity. Our artisan learner-ship and trade system would have developed into a more advance technical and technological development like that of Japan, instead we were bundled into these schools to be damned. The passion which men would have put into their craft, the leisure of a life unchristian, stolen, would have given a caution into what I can call the speed and hurtled sex sating lifestyle of an enslaved and colonized. Without a wedge and caution on procreation deigned on purpose the landmass from Ibadan to Abeokuta to now Ogun and Lagos became a refugee camp of epic proportion. Why would he mind considering his desperation for power, he must have thought to himself, since he wouldn't be around to see the consequence of the overpopulation, Devil may cry. The breeder’s farm that became the reality as we know it today feeds the church so they therefore held on the reins of their power and reify the ethos, since the business of government and church relies on the tax and offering of the gullible, the gullible must engendered to create more. So what has happened to the mill we have been driven into is that education becomes watered down until we have been reduced to conditioned monkeys who only discuss the price of electricity and traffic in dry laughs and hollowed out personas. This systemic damnation have hoisted the iron caste of the mediocre into very fibre of everything. Parochialism, and nepotism are chief among our problems reponsible for the sub standardness in every sector majorly because of the existence of a kin that shouldn’t be alive. Had the rote/routine of hard caste system of this philosophy been check, It wouldn’t have given avenue for the meaningless and wanton procreation which happens when the flawed system which bears on an ignorant who go home to cry thick droplets with his penis, into the vulva of comfort woman designed to moan school fees and house rents as the reification of a foisted and recurrent restlessness. It is a dream deferred, a man who shouldn’t be alive, created by a system that needs his tax and his blue thumb for the conditioned option, smiling and thinking he chose just to brag to another man under a tree just before paying offering in church on Sunday. It’s all on purpose, They were created, fashioned to not be happy in their jobs, or happy in their marriages, frustrated, and pressed down upon with the heavy hand of the church which presses with the slab of the ten commandments. For like a sponge they want sperm to seep out of you, they want you to procreate, be frustrated, so you die early. Unevaluated they create more of themselves, to be conscripted to a shambolic workforce, that has become the norm for ages, a very big problem now, consequent of a single’s man ambition. I look at his statue when in Ikeja, at the size of the boots, feeling sorry for the multitude still trapped under the symbolic stamp of his wicked ambition. The amount of people he has destroyed and keeps destroying for as many as the mistake of his ambition that gives birth multiply, his mistake multiplies, so does the damnation ad infinitum, but these are people who shouldn’t be alive in the first place. If men had followed their passions, and travelled like their forefathers did, it led to late and love marriages and few kids. Provided for by the bounty of the forest with enough food and spare time to live besides the state, politics and the sheer ambition of one man. The head midwife of a Primary Health centre advice for the young mothers who brought their children for post natal care was” Ti Olohun ba si fun yi lomo si, ke bi o” (meaning: if God still gives you more children, give birth) Regurgitating the same election designed campaign some 60 years after it’s relevance have been exhausted and atrophied in the worst way, more so in this 21st century of economic upheaval, only obviate the level of systemic sham and mediocrity that have eaten deep into the Nigerian pscyhe, the head midwife was also a product and victim of Awolowo’s “altruism” she is also another sub human who shouldn’t be alive and made head midwife because she exist and trumped the merit that would have employed someone better educated and understood the dynamics of the times to give a better advice, was she chided, No, she started her session with a prayer to a god that provides everything but the common sense needed to guide our lives. When studying Philosophy in school, I found out that Awoolowo simply copied the Akunleyan and Akunlegba philosophy of the Ifa/Orunmila Yoruba cosmology meaning he was a fraud without any dynamic thinking of his own, when compared to the incisive and pragmatic philosophy of Tai Solarin his philosophy was fruadulent at best. Why then wouldn’t he champion a free Western education if not to increase the population in a quest to beat the Northerners who seem to be getting by with religion alone. By creating a servile and clerkish and damning system of education or rather championing it, He has molded the minds that have gone on create the system of education that we now practice in Nigeria, I am talking about some 50 years and counting meaning as an entire race, we have been devolved systemically and destined for said devolution because of the ambition of a skeleton. Now I ask myself, when I was being flogged in school under whose auspices was I being molded after and how is that the man who stole the leisure and freedom of my ancestors feels he has the right to flog me from beyond the grave using a teacher with a mindset deeply flawed and conditioned a thumb fashioned for voting and nothing else. How is that fair? I find out that this Altruism was actually a selfish agenda that have spiraled out of control and becoming a towered mistake with fences and a camera. What will this singular Halleluja do to that big a damnation cast in stone. Today, his ignorant saliva slobbering sperm sporting a round rimmed glass in imitation is selling our future to Bill Gates our economic hitman, A puppet is proud to spout that he his following in the legacy of a fellow fraud, Without checking if the so called legacy is not the very reason he is alive and a thorn today. Eventually it stinks up and the number one citizen of the country is also another product of the mistake of an ambition. For it takes only a subhuman to posit that corn and cassava is all we need in this country. Living according to his conditioning and plan to impoverish the nation. He is the rise in food cost and exit of multinationals, sending us back into a form of Neo feudalism that is probably designed to turn the already sub human Nigerians into complete monkeys. As you buckle your child’s sandals for school, do follow him to the class and see where he sits, if the average public school classroom hold 120 pupils who all raise their hands when asked if they want to be Doctors and Lawyers, Ask yourself is that child really coming to usurp the unemployed graduate graduates of over 30 million people. Ask yourself why is the number of our unemployed graduate more than population the whole of Western Europe?, is their really any hope for that child, or are you just deceiving him just as you were deceive or rather ask hasn’t Awolowo have completely destroyed my lineage. When you see our young jambites in their prostituting, tailoring and upcoming musician phase, churning out money to Jamb and awaiting their call into these prisons, Do you feel sorry or hopeless knowing they will start giving birth in 5 years time. Was free Western education an altruism or an evil plan to completely sublimate, retard and bastardize our future. Should our population really be up to 200 million? Go to the Nysc camp and see what your child is yet to become, sets of undecided half bakeds rushing off into canopies to learn skill acqisition after spendig years in the university and still unable to think for themselves because Awolowo wanted desperately to be president at all cost and sadly isn’t here to see the consequence of his ambitions 60 years after his death. He is to be blamed for the mediocrity, the lack of beauty and intelligence that have become us, the animal and alimentary thinking, the corruption and nepotism, the ignorant horde, and utter folly albeit in skin and bones that have come to litter this country. This mediocrity have now seep into everything, it is in our sport, our music, our movies, our relationship with the outside world, the cause of our inferiority complex and reflect in what we praise and give credence to, and just like Escobar’s hippopotamuses, it will haunt us long after his death and He is to blame, his petty ambition destroyed this country. 



Awolowo carry right side give them, Dem slap am Kpa !! - Fela Kuti

Awolowo’s Altruism is one of the past exigencies that must be brought under the knife to have a very careful look at the latent implosion destined as the fate of Nigeria today, consequent of an overpopulation given over as the Greek gift for the sporing of the epsilon sub humans that would make up the numbers needed to win a majority in government.
Since democracy is a game of numbers, Awolowo championed a free Western education program which became the imprisonment and bastardization policy that have brought Nigeria to it's ruin. Imitating the thugs of the North who also converted their cultural group into a political party in order to cash in on what felt like politics of the wise and powerful over the gullible. 
In his crazed ambition,  he practically destroyed our technological and artisan development, making our civilization quasi, disjointed and fraudulent, denying not just us but our children a full mental development, differed vocations, and aesthetics.
He practically set the trebuchet for our eventual hard fall, destroying an entire race and it’ unborn generation for his greed. By imploring the exponential increase in population in order for him to win a majority in the House. He championed the breeding of what would become the subhuman and epsilon Nigerian horde that would never be able to out-think the shackles of Christianity; who hand in glove enforced the clerkish system of education that completely watered down our artisan, technology and budding civilization and way of life, enslaving our mind and reducing us to merely an alimentary electorate, imbued with hypnopaedia, conditioned by religion, sated and made docile by sex and homogeneity.

Our artisan learner-ship and trade system would have developed into a more advance technical and technological development like that of Japan, instead we were bundled into these schools to be damned.
The passion which men would have put into their craft, the leisure of a life unchristian, stolen, would have given a caution into what I can call the speed and hurtled sex sating lifestyle of an enslaved and colonized. Without a wedge and caution on procreation deigned on purpose the landmass from Ibadan to Abeokuta to now Ogun and Lagos became a refugee camp of epic proportion. Why would he mind considering his desperation for power, he must have thought to himself, since he wouldn't be around to see the consequence of the overpopulation, Devil may cry.

The breeder’s farm that became the reality as we know it today feeds the church so they therefore held on the reins of their power and reify the ethos, since the business of government and church relies on the tax and offering of the gullible, the gullible must engendered to create more.
So what has happened to the mill we have been driven into is that education becomes watered down until we have been reduced to conditioned monkeys who only discuss the price of electricity and traffic in dry laughs and hollowed out personas.

This systemic damnation have hoisted the iron caste of the mediocre into very fibre of everything. Parochialism, and nepotism are chief among our problems reponsible for the sub standardness in every sector majorly because of the existence of a kin that shouldn’t be alive.
Had the rote/routine of hard caste system of this philosophy been check, It wouldn’t have given avenue for the meaningless and wanton procreation which happens when the flawed system which bears on an ignorant who go home to cry thick droplets with his penis, into the vulva of comfort woman designed to moan school fees and house rents as the reification of a foisted and recurrent restlessness.

It is a dream deferred, a man who shouldn’t be alive, created by a system that needs his tax and his blue thumb for the conditioned option, smiling and thinking he chose just to brag to another man under a tree just before paying offering in church on Sunday. 
It’s all on purpose, They were created, fashioned to not be happy in their jobs, or happy in their marriages, frustrated, and pressed down upon with the heavy hand of the church which presses with the slab of the ten commandments. For like a sponge they want sperm to seep out of you, they want you  to procreate, be frustrated, so you die early. Unevaluated they create more of themselves, to be conscripted to a shambolic workforce, that has become the norm for ages, a very big problem now, consequent of a single’s man ambition.

I look at his statue when in Ikeja, at the size of the boots, feeling sorry for the multitude still trapped under the symbolic stamp of his wicked ambition. The amount of people he has destroyed and keeps destroying for as many as the mistake of his ambition that gives birth multiply, his mistake multiplies, so does the damnation ad infinitum, but these are people who shouldn’t be alive in the first place.

If men had followed their passions, and travelled like their forefathers did, it led to late and love marriages and few kids. Provided for by the bounty of the forest with enough food and spare time to live besides the state, politics and the sheer ambition of one man.
The head midwife of a Primary Health centre advice for the young mothers who brought their children for post natal care was” Ti Olohun ba si fun yi lomo si, ke bi o” (meaning: if God still gives you more children, give birth)
Regurgitating the same election designed campaign some 60 years after it’s relevance have been exhausted and atrophied in the worst way, more so in this 21st century of economic upheaval, only obviate the level of systemic sham and mediocrity that have eaten deep into the Nigerian pscyhe, the head midwife was also a product and victim of Awolowo’s “altruism” she is also another sub human who shouldn’t be alive and made head midwife because she exist and trumped the merit that would have employed someone better educated and understood the dynamics of the times to give a better advice, was she chided, No, she started her session with a prayer to a god that provides everything but the common sense needed to guide our lives.

When studying Philosophy in school, I found out that Awoolowo simply copied the Akunleyan and Akunlegba philosophy of the Ifa/Orunmila Yoruba cosmology meaning he was a fraud without any dynamic thinking of his own, when compared to the incisive and pragmatic philosophy of Tai Solarin his philosophy was fruadulent at best.
Why then wouldn’t he champion a free Western education if not to increase the population in a quest to beat the Northerners who seem to be getting by with religion alone. By creating a servile and clerkish and damning system of education or rather championing it, He has molded the minds that have gone on create the system of education that we now practice in Nigeria, I am talking about some 50 years and counting meaning as an entire race, we have been devolved systemically and destined for said devolution because of the ambition of a skeleton.

Now I ask myself, when I was being flogged in school under whose auspices was I being molded after and how is that the man who stole the leisure and freedom of my ancestors feels he has the right to flog me from beyond the grave using a teacher with a mindset deeply flawed and conditioned a thumb fashioned for voting and nothing else. How is that fair? 
I find out that this Altruism was actually a selfish agenda that have spiraled out of control and becoming a towered mistake with fences and a camera. What will this singular Halleluja do to that big a damnation cast in stone.

Today, his ignorant saliva slobbering sperm sporting a round rimmed glass in imitation is selling our future to Bill Gates our economic hitman, A puppet is proud to spout that he his following in the legacy of a fellow fraud, Without checking if the so called legacy is not the very reason he is alive and a thorn today.
Eventually it stinks up and the number one citizen of the country is also another product of the mistake of an ambition. For it takes only a subhuman to posit that corn and cassava is all we need in this country. Living according to his conditioning and plan to impoverish the nation. He is the rise in food cost and exit of multinationals, sending us back into a form of Neo feudalism that is probably designed to turn the already sub human Nigerians into complete monkeys.

As you buckle your child’s sandals for school, do follow him to the class and see where he sits, if the average public school classroom hold 120 pupils who all raise their hands when asked if they want to be Doctors and Lawyers, Ask yourself is that child really coming to usurp the unemployed graduate graduates of over 30 million people. 
Ask yourself why is the number of our unemployed graduate more than population the whole of Western Europe?, is their really any hope for that child, or are you just deceiving him just as you were deceive or rather ask hasn’t Awolowo have completely destroyed my lineage.

When you see our young jambites in their prostituting, tailoring and upcoming musician phase, churning out money to Jamb and awaiting their call into these prisons, Do you feel sorry or hopeless knowing they will start giving birth in 5 years time.
Was free Western education an altruism or an evil plan to completely sublimate, retard and bastardize our future. Should our population really be up to 200 million?
Go to the Nysc camp and see what your child is yet to become, sets of undecided half bakeds rushing off into canopies to learn skill acqisition after spendig years in the university and still unable to think for themselves because Awolowo wanted desperately to be president at all cost and sadly isn’t here to see the consequence of his ambitions 60 years after his death.

He is to be blamed for the mediocrity, the lack of beauty and intelligence that have become us, 
the animal and alimentary thinking, the corruption and nepotism, the ignorant horde, and utter folly albeit in skin and bones that  have come to litter this country. This mediocrity have now seep into everything, it is in our sport, our music, our movies, our relationship with the outside world, the cause of our inferiority complex and reflect in what we praise and give credence to, and just like Escobar’s hippopotamuses, it will haunt us long after his death and He is to blame, his petty ambition destroyed this country.

