Learn to live your leisure you have earned it. In life it stipulates that after inundation comes melioration, After struggling to build your self a mien learn to live in it. Instead of the endless stacking of zeros in the bland and the white washed routine we call living. You have the chance to stop, and relearn how your lost leisure, yours before it was stolen from you by the powers that be. That masterly inactivity and the simple act of doing your own work, governing your self. A simple living subsisting on a freedom and business centered around your fervent interest. There is no more leisure simple because there is no more space, there is no space because of the machinated overpopulation. So money becomes a consequence of a mistake in the case orgasm Hierarchy, Elitism and the dog eat dog comes become the consequence of an ignorance. Ignorance procreated and proliferated Marslow’s demons in attrition as the consolidated sum of an ethos, unchecked braved and fought for by the a hard wrought vitriol of the Willie Lynch’s theory. If fewer people roamed the world they would be acres of spaces in between house, the trees and the rivers will feed the moseying reader with fruits and fishes, his mind with books and music, and he can never out consume the aggressive restitution powers of nature for fruition is ever constant, it happens even when while he sleeps. Remember your leisure, buy an acre or ten and fence it with trees and barb wires plant fruit trees, eat beans, read books, listen to music and sleep, that is your lost Eden. Eschew every system of control money so leave the accursed money, or seek it sparingly in a motley job or business provided you have the sustainability of the acre and a discipline of moderation and minimalist living. Farm layers for their eggs, a small house, bicycles, 5 of each clothes, minimalist living,a sleep, quiet and a tablet for movies, Solar inverter 2 cats for company and an endless stroll and peace of mind and you too will die a saint. And you can now, whether or not society remains ignorant 


 As human beings we all have cosmic and mystic powers blinded and lulled by the designed noise of of our civilization, we have been cut off from our inner self. Yes you have a power, you probably don’t know it or have forgotten that you forgot what you use to have. Sincerely societal living in entirety is a cuff on the psyche, like a big shroud that you must peel of layer after layer in quiet reflection, remembrance and constant meditation. My power stems from my deadly sin which I have come to know as wrath, transmuted into vengeance as my own power, a power not entirely mine but by virtue of being vesselled. Activating it means I must try to be the good as much I can,even when it hurts like hell because it always gives me the cosmic edge. In that cosmic edge lies my power which plummets and decimates like a vengeful god. You need time alone to find out how your cosmic and astral self works, I dream a lot which is an important feature of what guides my life, but being good most of the times is where I reallly mine the ore of cosmic strength, in smiles and thank yous. Common body signals that we will come to understand like hand scratching, eye twitching which symbolizes gift and bad omen respectively will become second nature to us. But our forefathers could foretell events using omens, birds, weather, and shape of clouds all these things are lost to use now . These are the powers we have in us, sublimated by the noise and infiltration of our minds by the powers that be to enslave us, these powers are what I seek and getting them through calm, paying attention to the things that we ignore, being kind to humans and animals alike. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten messages from chickens and goats just by making it a daily chore to feed them. I remember a woman in Ilorin who kept a big bowl of water outside her gate for the wandering sheep of the community, I asked her why she just laughed and said “All my children are in America”. Power lies in those things you ignore. I therefore have to train my calm and do the good especially when it doesn’t even favour me, so I get that cosmic edge, knowing that my cosmic self and nature will definitely retaliate, when I am wronged. I don’t know how I have been able to write many of my recent articles, the simple explanation is that I am vesselled. A power beyond me tells me it’s time to write, dictating every word as I type them. And I am reassured and comforted by it when the backlash of my writing comes, These Yoruba people and the Ogbanje system feel they can ostracize and frustrate me but I keep writing, I wake at night whenever I am hurt or maimed, and start writing my powers activate and the vengeance of my cosmic self retaliates in kind relaying all of their information and secrets to me. I rarely leave the confines of my house but I know everything about everything. And I remember when coming home from school I used to pray for the rain to wait for me, and I could swear it told me it did. Goodness gives cosmic edge and there lies vengeance my powers and yours too. What are your weapons?: It could be the bible, for Bob Marley his weapon through this complicated maze of a life is a King James Bible he took with him everywhere for me it has been the Writing of Nichiren Diashionin, sutras and vedas, Jazz music and Tibetan music of Meditation, and even my own father thinks I am in a cult. You can therefore imagine how I strive to do the good wherever and however I can, smiling and even praying that you dare hurt me. I will therefore have the cosmic edge over you and permeate into your very being and retaliate without mercy. It makes me unafraid of what people will do, I know nature will definitely come to my aid and offer me the simple solution, They wonder where my fear is, I look back and remember many instances I have been saved by the that clear voice, sudden shift, or change of path and I know that goodness is the greatest amulet. Activating it, intimates you with your own power and makes you a heavenly hound, god’s judgement, nature’s child, and you will live a life many will marvel at. 


But to feed your inner demon, You must know it. You must recognize that guiding light and voice inside of you, directing you and making those choices and decisions in your quotidian unassuming. It grows and marshals only if you feed it. There is a reason why slaves where banned from reading books, because books remind us of the height we fell from, return back our lost godhood and the words feeds our inner demons whose sum is our self respect and grace. I still posit that until a person reads the Bhavhagad Gita he isn’t yet human.The Gita, Walden and the vedas made me realize that we were the gods we just forgot, and on purpose so that we can be enslaved. The first time I was high was when I first saw my inner demon he was just a child on the beach playing. Subsequently after reading all the vedas and sutras and got high he had grown quite big, almost 12 feet tall and mature, I said; you have grown big, he said you keep reading those stuff, soon I will be able to talk to you, no matter the state you are in , guiding you, and telling you in subtle waves and vibration what is good and what isn’t . - So I just need to keep reading?- Yep I eat words, and not just vacuous ones in today’s literature, I prefer the eternities, the old words, old books the ones that call one to remember, the banned books. Find time, build me up and I will direct you to the the complete state of remembrance just like the Buddha. The Bhavaghad Gita says that knowledge is the only thing that matters in life, frankly the only thing to take out of living since nothing else can. I make sure that everything I consume educates me, My movies, my books and music. I learn everyday, inflating so to speak my inner demon. First you need space, mental space, a quiet, constantly reading in a quiet, and cultivating that for your child and giving him a space for his mind to really work( no radio nor television) feed him books and allow him to create the worlds in his mind himself. Let him/ her imagine what Atticus looked like killing that rabid dog. For to feed his inner demon and build the cathedral of his mind he needs a lot of words. Grown, your inner daemon will give you discernment, guide, protect and correlate the pixellated images of the different things you have seen and provide an “overstanding” according to Peter Tosh that becomes a revealed intelligence and bigger picture of how things really are. Fed, it will talk to you to explaining the underlay of reality as it happens in the astral realm giving you the much need caution and the ever elusive open hand that baulk our decisions. it need books, feed it books, feed you inner demon to guide you and astral you. 


According to the movie Yi Yi, With movies you would have lived three more times longer than the average human being. I mean they are the fastest books to read, for they compressed into 1 to 2 hours of visual learning, providing the precipices and denouement of differed reality intimating you to the differed ends to a myriad of phenomena which helps guide your living when replicated in your life. Since movies replicates life, Your life therefore becomes twice as rich as you learn from movies, the different lives played out in front of you teach you patience, conscience, emotions, fickleness of humanity itself and You know coy, greed,pain,hurt, and the unspoken. Can now read faces, moods, emotions, actions and inaction based on the thousand scenes you have seen. You therefore can replicate actions or reply life when it bring those cards on your table. Giving you the experience without the hurt, the gain without the pain,expanding your man, enriching your life broadening your mind and the range of advice you too can give. Movies remains the fastest way to educate and meliorate a people and when Africa is ready, Movies will be the only way to abridge the aeon long gap between us and them. For all acts are memories, either real or conjured. No one can look to strike a tree except and only in memory. So if the memories are the only only act we can conjure and therefore the access to acts. We shore up lot of acts and memories by seeing movies which makes for an aged mind in a young body gliding through life like a ghost which in truth he really is. Movies have taught me the happiness of a little the joy of a peace, and for you too.


 You can't claim to own a short link a Internet what we provide are short links what they translate to is of no concern to us, how they transmute into songs is not our expertise So you might click on it and it download a thing you might listen to it and see it resemble to what you have created but you cannot lay claim to it For you can’t patent the short link, “your album”or whatever is in it. It’s a music file in the internet and when we share the link, it is purely space shifting since I consider all human beings as an extension of myself. A link cannot be patent so bloggers can never go to jail for piracy. Zippyshare of blessed memory and other hosting sites convert files into urls and short-links how they do them do not concern us, Until an artiste can go and patent the ever changing short-links in every single hosting sites in every website. They can never truly control the sharing of their albums, plus it can never be done. You don’t own the link and url an I cant say how that translates to file and music on my phone you don’t own the original file and cannot trace the original owner of said file. The file which undergoes a lot tweaking, mp3 are turned into FLAC by individuals, and FLAC are turned into wav and ape files. So the original file has been tainted and cannot be called yours anymore, You cannot claim ownership based on the similarity of the file name alone, any sound is purely in imitation of  your work. Shape shifting is not piracy and since we are brothers and sisters of the world We have the right to share our liquefied love for music with others. You want to be a billionaire move to wall street, there is an ethics bigger than your gain when art is involved for we know you were only vesselled by the world of thought of which we all are co owners and partakers. Still, we thank you. 


 Is it the lighting, the naturalness of the bodies, and the soundtrack, the language or that hunh you hear all the time, Vintage porn still remains the classical and jazz equivalent of pornography. You might fiddle around with the modern day “music” but eventually you have to come to the classics Moana Pozzi and Brigitte Lahaie highlight the end of a very wonderful age It is the titillating approach, the wet kisses, the tongues, and story line, which are lacking in today’s porn. The shroud and the good use of the lighting gives it the better reality. the modification of their bodies , hips and lips makes today’s porn stars look like sex dolls, with a cut and dry straight to the point approach to sex, sometimes the woman is dry, lying and faking her moan. What happen to the tongues, what happens to the saliva, What happened to the bush, good old bush .I mean it just so sad. Considering how similar vaginas look the bush is the personality of the vagina. I want to use this opportunity to write my condolence to Harley Dean, yes I know she still alive but after that surgery you died in my eye. Why would you do that to you self baby., take up pottery, learn an instrument do anything else in your spare time but turn yourself into an ogre. Vintage porns had natural bodies and relatability and compared to the bionic godzillas that act in today's porn. Seeing the Piano Teacher  reignited my spark for vintage as they will continue to be the best porn. I thank Rocco Sifferredi and other french directors and Italian directors who hold it down you might fiddle around with the inanities of modern day porn, eventually you must come back to the vintage, they are the classic and they remain the best,, and that is a little culture for you. 


Why can’t they convey emotions They don’t do enough method acting, they believe every thought must be portrayed facially as if life is that obvious, can you tell what a person is thinking by the look on their face As if anguish and stress always visible. They are that stirring up something, movie you have to be over expressive look at the Oscar and Grammy, i see monkey who carved out a branch form a tree and appreciate that tree, why can’t we have our own branch,If they feel and I know that black movies sometimes don’t get the recognition they deserve because in truth white people are insular, they had better carve out their own branch and do their own academy awards and give it own credence and regard and not soil it over time with mediocrity. It will get a look in their direction. Look at me, see my reaction and recognition,Look at me look at me, every black man is saying that in acting in Judas and the black Messiah, compare Lakeith with the guy that acted Dog Day Afternoon with Al Pacino - Anguish written all over his face without even trying, it so sad he died early like Yeltchin Black people feel they must write every thing boldly even their acting. It goes back to that deposit nature of blackness, lack of method acting. I wish many of them saw Iran and Turkish cinema, with their natural and relaxed mood of their cinema means their acting comes from naturally, Wes Anderson I think goes for that relaxed exuding in his favoured cast. But a lot of black acting feels too much of a smudge, I don’t see Nollywood movies, they feel like I’m choking on a stale bread, it hurts my mind. They don’t read or improve themselves, very predictable and puerile writing, just the same run on line bullshit. Make it controversial, make it atavistic and to them that’s cinema. Hollywood movie might be like : (she cries on the sofa) Carlos.. what an apt name Nollywood: Carlos, (cries) yes, you are are just like your name, you are callous , yes callous (cries) You know,sad stuff. (before you say.. what accent did you read it with) They need to take marijuana!!! the heaviness of their psyche affects their acting and it shows in their movies, your aura is heavy and that’s why you guys can’t act. Ah!!!!! I said it. Get your shit together, put it in a jar so it’s together. Really guys emotions shows even in a blank expression, let us feel it for you don’t show and feel everything for us and robb us of the emotion the movie was supposed to evoke in the first place. 


 Remiss, You should bd able to create the avatar of ether, and cushion, death and heartbreaks, before it finally fizzles away, they only hold as much power as the fixation on them, and they remain just in as much conversation and behaviourism as the real person. Like the mouse in ratatouille, they could motivate and dissuade this could be a recipe for bipolar disorder or it could help with as coping mechanism for dealing with loss especially one that is jarring. So that the image electrode fizzles out of the mind easily especially during a year period. By reifying the mannerism of the behaviour, You can crate an avatar of ether through the pattern of mannerism that tires out and dies, after the person is gone. A much better way of burying the past, hurt, trauma or even an idea, much better than using chemicals and prescription drugs. 

