My Business with the Overpscyhe


And what is my business with the overpsyche or… the overpsyche is the place where everything that have to do with the mind of a particular race find its recourse, knowledge and memory. It is  the collective intellect and the root spore of our mind, what we use in remembering and finding using familiars the pathways used to navigate through this plane we call reality.
Well what happened to ours? Simple, slavery and colonization. It has been charred with 400 years of slavery and a thousand years of colonization.
How do we heal? Simple, we need to organize a state sponsored music healing session: requiring the use of marijuana and meditation music for us to bypass, and try to heal those pains, and hurts accrued even from all those years of slavery and whose thought process have trickled down the generations and  have morphed into a cult like, virtue signaling and incessant wheedling as a living. Under the canopy of a great big fear utilized by certain cronies to effect a handicap and control in a generalized small mindedness, where suffering becomes the only  currency,where imitation and notice me live them on their knees, never fully maturing and wasting their entire lives waiting, scurrying like rats, repressed and completely skewed in a hard-cast way of life and slavish thinking.
When we  dream what do we dream of if not the reality that is portend in front of us, which is why the Buddha said that if our mind is pure, then our land will be pure.
Nigeria is the way it is because the mind of the people are the way they are , they mostly have a militarized mind with fences and still they get guard dogs, an analogy which equally explain their behaivour. They live a bloated greed unwilling to a share anything in this temporal life they have been given. Because the average Nigerian identifies with suffering and attach a cult like approach toward everything, using suffering as a rite of passage so you to value simple things like a job, social amenities, or even basic freedom in your community.
Those who are custodian of this kid of thinking have not seen beyond their ego to be able over evaluate and check their hate driven tactics and the reality it portends.
We see all these and know that every approach have failed to correct what one can almost term as ironclad dogmatism, we decide to focus on that mind with a lot of patience in stride. ZMP have no business with the government, solution for us remains the only valid form of protest we are after that overpysche the collective minds of Africans charred with slavery and colonial thinking, seeing how best we can meliorate it and setting a new foundation for the generation to come.
But for Colonialism and it’s militarized thinking, your house would be my house, attuned to our ephemeral nature we would live our lives like the Tiv -in sustainability and love, yam and orange trees and similar looking hut households.  But the repression of Christianity hurtled capitalism gave birth to the “mansions” and the elitism that churn out the helps needed to clean them.
So do we police? Has it helped, we have spent gazillions trying to enforce and coerce behaviour,. rather tan policing we can instill and change behaviour making sure it is intrinsic  
We posit and want to try behoairoafal engineering because we have proof of it working. Monkey see monkey do and we believe the proliferation of certain movies and music can mush up the hardened heart of Africans, Movies because thy are faster to assimilate than books, music because they have longer lasting hold and return value, We focus on Ozu, Ceylan, Malick, and such and such that will collectively exude the introspection and evoke the poet and feelings deeply seated within them,  made numb on purpose by the powers that be to ensure the in-conscientious and individualistic worker in the grand systemic divide and conquer.
Music and I mean lot of music to would break that hard kilned gehenna and get back to the mush in every heart, I know that you all have been hurt, but you must cut out the ulna with the courage to want the change that ends the circle.
ZMP don’t care about the government is in power our goal is the individual and collective mind of the African people  and healing it , we go about sharing hard drives to students inn the universities and see what change might come about in 20 years time,  It is like a little monochromic droplets of colors will collectively lactify the overpscyhe , The light we are quietly sharing will eventfully comes full circle and can be credit for  development of the African mind.
Wee pray that eventually what will happen will be that our children they will grow in towns where trees are more than houses, rails are more than roads, parks are more than churches, where everyone is free to stop by and their will be no fences for their will be no thieves. Children will play till late at night, sleep in their friend’s houses because the so elusive civility have become streamlined and common place the overpscyhe of Africans must have healed.
What are dreams made of, if not what is seen? Isn’t our holistic astral projection gotten from the collective and harmonized whole of our physical reality. If the reality is good music and movies, the dreams will change the thought, will change the man and will change the culture of suffering cultist and tribal suffering, nakedness, harassment, mimeticism, and scapegoatism
The hurts we must dissipate and what better an outlet than music, We mustn’t carry it over to the future generation no matter how painful we must be the refinery to take in the hate and bring out love without fail.
We implore your support wherever you can share music, share music, plant trees, no matter where you find yourself, You too are a member of The Zelkova’s Movement Party. For the state exist besides the little the you can do to make the overpsyche better, and I know that one day people will dream of happiness, peace, and love because that is the reality that is in portent.
Ejikeme Udeh
For The Zelkova’s Movement Party
