Quotes XLVII


A hug is the closest thing to souls touching
Gentlemen, let your fights be brandishing admonishments, be not like cowards who slither in the shadows
Wading without succor or reprieve in a thick fog; that ‘s life.
Every fool today once saw a selfishness and personal greed yesterday
Those like you will meet you halfway you will not need to take it all to them
Only those who cling to hope suffer.
Tattling cautions, “the bitch” therefore becomes the cynosure free from hidden attacks.
Every tyrant chases you down to the edge of hope and eventually towards liberation
Every mob has a pride and it cannot self evaluate nor listen
The bigger dog sometimes have to return to its vomit, rather than brave the escalation of a contrived commitment
Music makes the man pure and righteous, remind you who you are when the world would have you forget.
Selflessness elevates and gives purpose, deepens intentions, and  divines vocations.
The mind seeks and leads but only fear in the spirit impedes
Sound is the architecture of the mind, the language of the brain, Coltrane gushes, Miles haunts, Wayne stalks and Monk swings.
Be careful of the things you see and hear they make up your subconscious, What you allow in, goes on to build your mind
Once you feel stuck and stagnated; God wants to give something and make your self light; Only in selflessness lies true liberation
Write it down and never discount it, or your plans will become their plans.
Options, liberation and an open hands are a frequency  for those with open hands.
The aim, goal and objectives ideas are to be written down for they all are good, rushing to do them all, could be considered madness.

