Redefining Football


I have seen a single match of this Euro 2024 nor did I see a single Liverpool match last season, I just don’t  like watching football anymore. Football have become bland and boring, the everyday match being played with caution and as strategized robots have removed any energy for I might have for  match, system and team passing football means the games are mostly boring the coach staff who leave no room for errors, flair, moment of spur, or brilliance that jumps our heart, The Boards spend money on the best money can buy in all positions so you don’t have an underdog in any position with whom you could relate with and cheer on. You could today sleep through a high profile match being played on screen or being inside the stadium.
The players are lazy, over-payed and pompous, they don’t care if they win or lose. some of them stay hidden within the correctness of their position and await their weekly wages, no one goes all out, to  create a moment of magic, they simply pass and make faces at screens.
In a bid to save football from turning into a doozy like baseball. I have some ideas for redefining and re-engineering my sport of choice.
Firstly, each  half  should last an hour, let the players sweat, get fatigued and strain their legs so that the young and fresh legs will invariably have more game time to play. Many of them sit on the bench for a whole season because the key players don’t get worn. But if each half is an hour long, they are bound to be tired and create room for others oto shine
No back pass just like in basketball, some teams tactically slow down play and use the back passes to waste time, there would be no back passes, just like basketball you have to come to the opponents half of the field and you have a timer of 1 minute to do something with the ball or you have to turnover the ball to your opponent wherever the timer stops you at.
This will make the players think fast, increase the amount of shots on target and create that verve and urgency in their approach to play the right game.
Yellow card is to be given and last for 20 minutes  after which it should be wiped off, and the red cards the player should be sent off for 30 minutes  only and brought back in or substituted with a fresher leg if need be.
Referees can be openly biased, we know they are. So why not do it openly and increase the fun of the game by playing sabotage they can decide which team they would want to win the match and go out of their way to not care about the team they oppose, this would bring fun and spur the opponent to win at all cost a much cherished victory.
Fouls shouldn’t be given all the time as it slows down play. football should be remain a contact sport with green and brown stains on their jerseys. I want to see swollen faces, blood stains and fights oh I miss those fights that make you remember legendary matches like Netherlands versus Portugal at the 2006 world cup.
I hope this get somewhere and they rethink the shit show that is being played as football today.
And put a wedge before all the work and sufferings of our past heroes to make this sport what it is today goes down the drain because of these new money hoarders and elitist title grubbing whores who don’t know the first thing about football. Which is “upset”. bringing back to quote El Loco Bielsa the joy of football is that the weak can beat the strong..
