The Lotus Sutra

Like the snail,
It moves slow
loves it’s own kaleidoscope
sleeps more…
The lotus sutra is one of the most revered Sutra of Mahayana Buddhism extolled in depth by Nichiren Daishonin as the sutra which embodies the very mind of the Buddha, stating that other sutras preached were merely expedient means to suit the frail capacity of the human mind. Preambled by the Immeasurable meaning sutra and further buttressed by the Nirvana sutra, the  Lotus sutra is deigned as the sutra with the three thousand realms of teaching in a  single moment. I believe that it is the sutra where the Buddha finally remembered all that he was, where unlike the Agama sutra and Flower Garland sutra he remembered that he had actually  attained enlightenment countless kalpas in the past.
Logic beyond Reasoning 
The lotus sutra is the preached for a mind resolved beyond the vagaries and verisimilitude of this world. It is the understanding and logic beyond mere human reasoning, Even the Buddha said the Lotus Sutra is one that can only be shared and understood between Buddhas. It is above every form of sentiment and sensibility, beyond even the body, for a perfect mind.
It is for a mind that have shed the outer fear of this body and this reality, that understand by reading the Opening of the Eyes chapter of the Gosho that the mind is all there is, it has never attain birth nor ever died. It keeps traveling from body to body gaining knowledge and seeking enlightenment. Which means in all of life, knowledge is the most paramount and sacrosanct.
The purest form of being is to become pure consciousness, gaining knowledge at every moment.
For you have had a thousand parents,  a thousand spouse, millions of children, and you will keep doing so and forgetting until you encounter enlightenment, and know that the only out of this wheel, this RPG, crazed game of the Samsara in this saha world is out. Leaving the console entirely.
When your mind becomes perfect it cannot be assuaged or afford to waste the luck of attaining a human body, using this opportunity to acquire and accrue knowledge that will ensure moksa. It becomes unafraid of any form of death, losing your loved one, or limbs. Things like pain, loss or  witchcraft can only affect this body, which is merely tied to this reality, you know that once you die, you will move onto another body. What do you care for limbs or children?
Once your mind becomes perfect, you only seek knowledge and making the world better than how you found it. You will only seek the highest manifestation of yourself, you understand that you are in a game, you can’t be angry at poverty or pomp up by wealth, for you know you will leave them all behind. You would only seek what you can learn at each stage of life, and how no matter how little you can better the world. (even if it means planting a single tree).
 You understand that the mind is the god droplet in every living thing, Therefore the mind of whomever you meet must not be allowed to waste, You will seek to either improve or meliorate anyone you find. By chanting you are  perching through life, following the first line of the Upanishad that Lord is the owner of everything you are simple to renounce and enjoy.
The lotus sutra is preached to form and forge a mind above the body. Since the body only react and conditions to the care it is given, when it’s plaintive cries are met with the deaf ears of resolve, it learns to behave itself.
What is a problem? People who aren't people. The magnetism in oxidization means we are drawn and rebuffed at the same time, the secondhand and advertised living of the city life and practical zombieing of the  world in orthodoxy and student like living. We want for real feeling human beings, remiss we must therefore rely not on person but on the law, strive to learn to lock yourself in your own room, and seek the recourse of you and yours alone. To generate your own happiness like a flower that emits and is suffused it’s own fragrance you will create your own mien and peace in the constant reading of the lotus sutra. It takes strength to be content.
The lotus sutra changes poison to medicine, and will completely refine your mind from hatred into love and bliss, saving you form those who are determined to demonize you.
You must find time to read this sutra, As it’s powers to heal and uplift the mind, to clean the psyche and renew one’s mind is quite efficient. It removes all fears and reignite one’s spark. It reminds you that the exorbitant bill is a problem contrived from attachment to a reality foisted. Deny this reality run into that shell you have and enjoy the quiet empty kaleidoscope of your own colors.
Nichiren said he who follow the mind of the Buddha will naturally flow into that ocean of comprehensive wisdom, and what stipulates the mind of a person if not the words of out his own mouth. In essence, the sutra preached by the Buddha himself.
Open your arms and your heats, in being struck we hold, and make them feel the essence of our touch remembering for them and reminding them that they too were young and were love. No matter how much the toil of life will make them forget. We must teach them the return, by reading this sutra it cleanses the hurt and rust,  that It has been a long marauding a long journey, come back, return home.

Chanting Nam Myo Ho Rhenge Kyo
It is the singular excalibur, Nam Myo Rhenge Kyo is the phrase that encapsulates the three thousand realms and lifetimes of teachings into a weapon so simple it is in 5 syllables. I join hands with Tien Tai in calling it ghee because when ignited it explodes and catches fire
It is like mining ghee into your psyche, when you are attacked, it explodes, destroying any who would dare either in remonstrance or rebuking of hidden attacks.  It is the single most powerful encapsulation of astral magma with conspicuous and inconspicuous benefits.
Just chanting two a day is enough to last one a life time.
Keep chanting Nam Myoho Rhenge Kyo  as the solution to all of life’s pain albeit ignorant. It tell them send your swords and your balls of light, they only refine me. In being permeated it  make me accept your pain and understand them. I believe to be God is to be the eternal pain of regret, what stream must roll from his eyes when he looks at our ignorance.
And that is what Buddhahood feels like, it is an understanding of the pain the nature, origin and reason for it, knowing gives room for sympathy which creates tolerance and understanding. But we must know and only Buddhism gives knowledge and enlightenment that much importance.
The word of a person is the mind of a person so the Lotus sutra conveys directly to us the mind of the Buddha and in transmitting his mind to us via these words, we hereby digest and become of him, Not true imitation or self deception by claiming to become like him through a flawed wall facing, and tree bowing imitation of his perfect and clear mind, But by first recognizing our frailty as man, using his words we can paddle to that great moon on the horizon.
The Lotus sutra are the words of truth spoken by the Thus come of perfect enlightenment and understanding and only it can give us perfect and complete rewards.


Download the Lotus Sutra HERE


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