The Work Virus The Yorubas Created


Closely after the founding and naming of a bacteria by a certain Professor in the SouthWest, The Yorubas have been working more closely with bacteriology to better get Nigerians  to suit their slavish and christian ethos if you don’t work you don’t eat, obsessed with the control of people, devious and demonic. They went a step further to create a virus for speeding up the brain. 
A Lagos University Teaching Hospital hand in glove with a University of Lagos have some professors and Doctors  who are working on and perfecting gene patenting for the new human being some of which I have had the privilege to see. Young people and teenagers who are without melanin and they have injected their pregnancy inhibitors to allow the child look cream or almost white
They want her children to be super human without any of the hindrances that comes with being black, they want  children you would not be able to math, obsesses with Jamb scores these guy are taking elitism to another level Their eye color as to show that they are on the  verge of creating or better we are actually ,living in Huxley's dystopia
What is this virus? It is a very small eel like organism that can be passed inside spittle, phlegm or be coughed out. The carrier of this virus controls light and know that his spittle is electrified,controllable. They might ask you question to get you to open your mouth or pass it inside the nostril, All I know is that is controlled mostly with the phone and voice activated. Unless you notice the subtle budging of your eyes when you have contracted it, It is very hard to notice and very hard to kill. It is reason for the zombieing of Nigeria people.
The goal is to demonize you and make you better attuned for the workforce which cannot be slowed nor stopped for it’s tax churn. It makes you agitated, restless and hyperactive, I’m talking about a virus so bad that it attacks, control your brain and ends up formulating your astral reality and determining your dreams.
This is yet another reason why my child will be home-schooled and will not enter into any school in this country. They know it for it is a lizard spirit (spittle), these lizards can see it. They know that his light spirit is inside you you will see them holding their android phones side away adjacent to your head trying to glean the light spirit moved to your head. You will wonder why they can’t use a simple earpiece to listen to their whatsapp voice note, it is because they are doing something else.
This light spirit can be connected to a charger to make you charged up and make your brain work faster than normal, to your lungs to stop you from breathing and to your stomach to make you afraid, and if they want to make you insane, Done all at once.
They use this virus in all facets of our existence which suits the overlords, and It is so fucked up, so messed up I tell you, The Yoruba champion it because it enshrines their slave ethic of no work no eat and hypocritic christian orthodoxy, and makes certain others slave to them so that they can claim that they are sophisticate. This work virus is  given to people through five hundred or two hundred naira note. I describe it as the light spirit , because the virus is so powerful and so potent it is like a small microscopic eel in a spittle given to you in soggy money
If seeps into the palm of your hand and goes straight to your brain which controls every activity and thought of your body.
This virus can be sent to your  auditory nerve and can be use to tell you things, it is use by pastors to condition and control the same voice that you come to know as the voice of god, They use to injure and bite your tongue, twist your ankle to dislocate your joint It turns you from human into zombie, when in you, Your thoughts are not your own , you become erratic, violent and restless; a work zombie in every sense.
I didin’t noctic eth differnce until when I came back form thenorth, I ddid even have sex for oth fobut here becuseo the light psirit whichis noticeable becieua of th nylony sound it make in your stomach you will feel horny ane then they can can use the light pairit in your body as a conudit ot make you horny and if you refuse still, they will sen dthe lightoriittoyour brain to ake tgleam it and make you madThey snd ti tyou rhead and makeit hot so thatyou cut your heair and never keep your hair, to your knees in pain to make you crave sugar, to your arm to dislocate it, it is quie3t multifunctional
They use this lllgiht porit o toput a lid ion the limnt onwe can attain, they use to control behaivour theyuse to decice and nd put int hought of dissatisfaction ninto your head These demons that walk around in ortodxy are the most devious thing and you are complete surrounded I tell you.
One solution to supress this light spirit is miracle leave known in Yoruba as ewe abamoda, eating it and drinking lipton tea in the morning, but this only suppresses, If there will be a cure in removing it it will be in drinking an ash colored agunmu (powdered laxative) with pap and drinking it twice. But can it really limit your dealing with people so you don’t touch another bad money or shake another hand that will give it to you. Sticking to fist bumps and taking mostly transfer and not cash could help.
The consumption of snails weekly, taking scent-leaf tea laced with lime and lemon can also help but I think also merely suppresses it
The light spirit inside you can then be used as a conduit to glean the light in your brain and make you mad, people will smoke marijuana and pass the high to you, consume sugar and give you the gas or pile.  Tickling the tip of the penis to get people to horny. Some pass it around as cough, as they will just cough conspicuously in your presence, wear a nose mask, when  in the market and try to steam at least once a month with salt and onions. They also use the light spirit to make you horny, put in your stomach and flutter it to make you scared, they put the light spirit in your joint and dislocate it. All in a bid to exert a stupid dominance. I will be explaining this and many more in the completion of Sodomy’s Nest VI
For now, copy the Northerners and drink hot tea as the first thing in the morning, keep a flask of hot water handy in the workplace. Wear a nose mask in public places. Eat raw aloe vera before going out to drastically reduce the sugar the the light spirit would flutter with.
To say that 98 percent of Nigerians are zombies and carry this virus is an understatement. This virus is very hard to kill, if you do succeed in removing you will feel a headache and redness in your left eye and vomit out a lot of spit. But you can be given again by mere interaction, simply put this light spirit is the absolute worst, it turns humans into zombies as certain Politicians use to attain a sudden messianic appearance and the powers that be use it for advertisement.
Still that doesn’t mean you will not be given at night, protect your orifices, keep your house clean and if you live in a shared apartment,  Ensure you drink hot tea in the morning, I am still unsure about the cure and what can us impervious but for now this drinking the Tisane Antibiotique with lipton tea and drinking this agumu with pap works.
I am genuinely tired of civilization, everything hurts me. I pray and hope we can leave a better world behind for our children

 P.S. I also think periodically swallowing lumps of black soap and consuming a copious amount of salt and water.

