Bred For Life and Not School


   Soon enough we find out that the life of the northerners apart from the odious obvious (religious dogmatism) is a very well thought out and good model for living life, One I have had to refine and come to swear by. It took a while to finally come to terms with this, but I have come to realize that the best decision they made and are still making is removing their children from the prisons/gulags we call schools. Which ensures that they are not made ignorant custodian of unchecked folly. Breeding them for life and not for school. 
Life could be a school or a freedom depending on your orientation and if as in most cases that couldn’t be helped, on education. The mentality of people is that is a bag carrying, yes boss chanting and orthodoxy and good boy vetting up till their 50s many don’t know that they were free all along. If only they we knew why Tuvans prefer living in Yurts, with lesser things comes a freer life. How do we saddled with the literal bag of ignorance from our Christianized parents and teachers unlearn all of the indoctrination we have now canonized as dogmas, dump the bag and find a way to train and breed our children for life, a living and a freedom, rather than the triangularistic school of school/work, church, house; the baggage school of a life. 
I intend to start from the outset, which is to eschew circumcision, teach him to learn how to live with few clothes, a hobbyist., learning to sit quietly at home, learn a musical instrument, cultivate a quiet, sense of self and esteem rather than going to school to be a custodian of a folly. Freedom is my dream for them, complete freedom even from the world. To be able to travel anywhere and everywhere at anytime, taking photographs, listening to music,long walks in the morning, naps in the afternoon and movies late at night. A person under no man’s clock, spending the money for Western education on an apartment they can seek rent with. Bred for life and not for school like Sepp Holzer who decided on permaculture farming and the woman he wanted to be with at the age of 17 years and went on to do it gladly for 35 years.

The northerners know early enough that what eventually constitutes a man in this world is the money in his pocket.knows that all the education a man can ever need in this life can be gotten from religious books, they end up not sending their children to the secondary school or even the university. And save us what would have amounted to a small fortune on slavish western education to invest in buying him cows and properties. the little one sits mostly at home learns calm, a genteel and melioration, reads his Koran and Hadith, focuses on his business and govern himself. 
Although he speaks Hausa majorly, it will be one you will be forced to learn because in his Jalabiya lines money, and money not only speaks all languages but can make any man nod enthusiastic in wheedle. While he makes money from the sale of his cows, You with your MSc chant ranka dede to him knowing he’s 10 years younger. You have no option than to work for a waste management company that hounds , heckle and pays you peanuts, he was bred for life for freedom and determinism and not for the unending school you call a life.
He doesn’t need permission to travel, marries at the age of 21 and he is invested in by his father who instead of sending him to school, spent the money acquiring assets for him.

You can’t believe your eyes, look how we counts wads of money in expertise, You laugh when he tells flight by Azman Air have become quite expensive, but what do you know about that? you've never flown. But your money have crash landed into useless institutions you thought would uplift you but rather further enslaved you. You were bred for school carrying a school bag till your 50s, with bags of insomnia under your yes, bags of worries on your chest with no hope in sight. still without the thinking to evaluate and unlearn this folly. seeing that this system doesn’t’ work. Asking rather why then should I conscript my children to this folly if it didn't favour me more so with today with fast-paced automation. Are we going to breed for school, life, or at all?

