I hear there Is a state, but I am not a member of the state - Henry David Thoreau.

As an Igbo man, I am allowed the sentiment of those with which i share a tongue in this lifetime. Studied the Biafran war thoroughly and felt Ojukwu should have stopped when things spiraled towards kidnapping of Foreign Nationals and the sacrificing of little boys. 
After the designed renege of the Aburi accord, he should have managed the affairs of Biafran state in a cold war that would have bid him time to get them a working Referendum, had they balked the massacre, they would have held acrimonious positions still in Nigeria that would have become the scattered spore-like burn that would have collectively brought down the system from within. something like film on fire. 
They sadly allowed their ego get the better of them and didn’t know the plans the British had for them nor notice that they were being goaded by certain British reporters who ran smear campaigns years before the war. Just as Churchill started the second World War despite Hitler's appeal to reason. All in the past and now we are thriving right? No we are not, Marginalized!- simple and short. 
How then do we find the cheapest and least bloody form of assured secession ?
Our latest plight and underground struggle for independence haven’t gone unnoticed to me, most times i act insouciant as I mostly like to chalk up the bloodshed, destruction, the game of glimmer and dimmer of hope to sheer ignorance. I prefer and have seen some simple solution to what have impeded the development of an inroad to our development, symbolized by the Onitsha to Enugu road still in construction for over 50 years. I just don’t applaud the killing of young Biafrans as discountable loses towards the bigger goal. 
Mostly goaded by hate contrived, hurtled messianic insurrectionists without a differed plan other than volatile reactions, conflagrations, and destruction of the few institutions without a replacement leaving us haggard, stagnated, impoverished and ignorant. Marginalization and ignorance work in cahoot haunts our progress and ensure our inability to see them as engineered and machinated quite unfairs. I posit a way to defeated the varied enemies at our various doorstep through an economic secession.

one that supersedes the effort of saboteurs and double agents who have embattled the actualization of a freedom and determinism that should have been a longtime coming. 
I don’t intend to belittle the efforts of those i feel are position thirsty, because they have invariably kept the discussion going. These Prime minister hopeful who supply our young people with guns instead of books (though they live in the book capital of the world). and Yes thy might eventually win by the sword but probably will not fail to perpetuate the same tyrannical and despotic government they swore they wee liberating us from. 
You know us, you have seen our ego and know how hot headed we can be, it or do we see a solution like i do, a repair that doesn’t requires political power. Education, orientation and the cooperation of our people and in 5 months we would have a Biafra albeit under the geographical location called Nigeria, it will function beside the “state”. 

By inventing and instituting our own form of money(digital, backed up and supported) parceling out debit cards to be use as a form of transaction like the one used by Opay to every citizen of Biafra above 18 years with a stipulated work designation that assures and guarantees tit credible remuneration monthly according to their work.
Considering our current underdevelopment, these work should be in reparation, social and menial : from tree planting, public institution maintenance, beautification (ornamental plants) statues erecting, building and taking care of parks, gardens and joint farms; basically modernizing and reinstate our well known age grade system.
Food is sacrosanct and we don’t have enough arable farm land in the East, what happens if we buy hectares of land in Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Malawi/Congo for farming yams cocoyams, plantain, and coffee. Ensure that family compound has a food tree, a vegetable a chicken coop for daily egg consumption and eating them during our festivities : New Yam and New Year’s.

Our goal is to stifle out the strangers among us who spend a differed currency, we learned first hand the corollary between hunger and a forceful surrender and will like to extend the same goodwill. We therefore create and to create our own country; working and functional though while still under the captivity of this British cacophony, 
Rather than fighting we only need to create and enforce the use age of our own legal tender as the only way of buying and moving around in our country. Ours and in our card, and in our phones would be handed to only those who can state their lineages to avoid impostors, which would be sniffed at the card renewal. The same conditions apply to the card which is blocked when stolen with an additional perk of free/cheap transportation and medical outreach in hospitals within and outside Biafra.

Unable to spend their so called money they will have to live under our condition and terms. We determine what the exchange rate is, and what our currency is worth, even if it is a 1000 naira to one BIENI (Yes, Bieni our money needs our name as i feel using shillings and pounds to describe our currency is still colonialism at play) With a minimum wage of whatever will not suffice. They spend millions to travel abroad well you are abroad now, deal with it. 
Live under our conditions or starve. And the imposed ‘state’ will most definitely starve as our circumvented tax will definitely stifle out and force the terrorist business that call itself a government out of our beds in what will be termed as a simple, bloodless, systemic and economic secession. 

A mandatory sum of 1000 bieni should be taken per account every month for the development per local government. In time enforce a scholarship and readership and library in every town, Building town halls for meetings also which doubles as a movie hall in the night playing every movie of the Criterion Collection as a.form of education ad behavioral engineering. to improve their mental capacity and development 

Conclusively, I am saying if we want Biafra, we don’t need to play their game of sorrow tears and blood. For us to achieve it, nor waste time traveling abroad seeking the approval of insouciant white men who only stall and elongate a hope that leads nowhere. We need a plan and action: one simple and actual like planting trees, educating people through movies, books and music; not easy but very possible
For what constitute a county if not the currency, the judiciary and law enforcement, so if you our legal tender is ours, grievances are resolved at our own local and family courts, a local police without guns maintain order, we could well have our own country under a very bemused eyes of these khaki wearing strangers. 
Going further we clean our community, fields, Institutionalize and incentivize our local community sports in football and cricket for boys, with courts doubling as basketball and volleyball’s for our girls. concretize maintenance, give credence to art, diversify cheap vocations like painting, pottery, and horticulture to give hobbies to both the young and old and a purpose to their lives. If people can build a community within a community, who’s to say we couldn’t have a county within a country. One that is functional and ours and we wouldn’t need to get there because it already here, yeah?


