The Lotus sutra have come to be for me more than just a sacred text, read a total of five times this year alone, The Lotus sutra has become a friend, confidant adviser and a guide. It is the perfect mind. Drinking and imbuing a perfect mind, logic beyond human understanding, with benefits tremendous and inexplicable, wonderful, potent, and magical. It is simplified understanding of the highest and loftiest compassion and has been my guide and strength through difficult times.
This Sutra is the perfect personality forming, basically a cheat code for life, a liquefied spirit and mind of the Buddha that guides, reminds and teaches, which according to the Buddha imbibing avails one with a wisdom that comes of itself.  
If life is a game, the Lotus Sutra is a cheat code, hacking your character and infusing it with a lot of XPs. Though you might look unseeming are the strongest, fearless and most powerful among your peers. The Sutra describe it as being like a lion king without fear. Your mind have been elevated and made one with the Buddha, since he attained the highest frequency of love that embraces all species, aligning your mind with his means your frequency becomes elevated beyond even that of any form of witchcraft, Since all phenomena operate on a frequency, the highest frequency is a bird eye view that sees the true aspect of all phenomena.  
The Lotus sutra is the packaged and liquefied mind of the Buddha, a comprehension of his compassion. A deepening of our mind or better said a buoy from the shallow solipsism of our small brain and allowing it accommodate all living beings. We are therefore inoculating and imbuing ourselves with that perfect mind so that we can in semblance attain a lofty outlook, attaining what was never before imagined. .In essence, what he did was mine the rarest jewel in the world and gave it to us free of charge because of a compassion so great and an intent to make all living beings equal to him. 
I am quite sure that if the Lotus Sutra is read as part of the curriculum in secondary we would not only change the country but we would effectively change the minds and even the very climate of the country itself, how powerful this sutra is. There are no pure or evil land anywhere, the purity of the land depends solely on the purity of the mind of it’s inhabitants. If the mind of the people are pure, then the land will definitely be pure. It is almost like mining ghee into the very DNA of one’s race with something simple and freely given as the sacred words of the Buddha, what wonder!. We can therefore change the next generation, our race using sutras, as the Lotus Sutra is known for pushing out the poison from your body, since the brain is the control and cleans of every fibre of our being, reading this sutra will then glaze and smelting the hologram bean of our reality, changing our minds, thoughts, reality and destinies. Bishop Berkeley said that all reality depend on the thought in our minds, which is why the the Buddhas said this world of mine is beautiful but you don’t’ see it because we don’t operate on the same frequency, your mind isn’t as pure as mine.
Carl Jung talks about life and our personas as a beacon tap calling to the highest manifestation of ourselves, the nexus of our existences, the life of our lives. it makes sense when we think of the chanting and reading of the lotus sutra as beacon tap and a higher self call. we are calling on the highest manifestation of ourselves via the Buddha’s mind (Sutras) to not only to remove the hindrance we find at present but also to guide us better to it. So it’s polishing our pineal gland that enables us that mental climb, so the sutra is a cheat code as it save us the suffering of years of austerity and trials in search of the truth and probably not still finding. We simply can just drink that ghee of completion and take our minds to the highest level attain and given to us free of charge and collectively wonder at such a compassion that has given it to us.


With Minimalism we find ourselves with a house without the junks that enforce meaningless chores. A life of less means the freedom to give, even ourselves with purpose in a life of service. When we look up our schedule quotidian, we merely breeze through happenings around us absentmindedly brushing our teeth, looking at the sun if it will fall, of course the sun is surprised, You must be crazy Wait evaporates what goes to to darken and unimpressed “it’s just rain (nasally)” and finally run, run to call in our clothes but they struggle in the wind reluctant to be just folded in like your spirit. At the pattering of the louvers, we can’t remember our breakfast our stomachs sag a mite life is good but good is batter, batter is boring, the eventual cake bland, unless it gets taken from just as we about to… and finally we run, run after them pretending to care knowing if we don’t complain and give chase, we just might miss the highlight of entire year. Technology commonised godhood via masturbation and washing machine, If we finding ourselves yearning to finally yelling into the dark like Sebastian Sinclair wondering where we go from here, it will take a skip of the micro-dose to even be up at night or thinking of a Kofi Makir, We go for the jolt of life, everyday in a life of service.
 Yes? look around, TT Bike riders save up their energy all year just to inch close to death at the Isle of 
Man, Why not commit the corpse of brothers in the jolt/pinch found in a life of service.
We have trees to plant, people to help,, minds to open, bud, love to give, things to discard.
A life of service seems to be the reasonable way to truly live life, as it not only offers satisfaction but also fulfillment, and not only your immediate, for God knows the work here in Africa is plenty but the hands are few. 
Just since It is o longer in use, provides a smile, thanks and prayers; that’s a no brainer. What? sleaze, really? aren't the joys of life slight?, like hoping a coroner will sniff and write: Yea, he fucked a virgin no one will care.- The doldrums will dare and can be quelled by seeing how best you can benefit others: in parks, water in communities, You are elevated in mind and spirit as a consequence. Tell our billionaires a little donations and they could collectively end world hunger. If the struggle of another man for accommodation meets your plenty a houses and not is use, which sates his need for 70 years knowing he will return it invariably in death. It is your gain with no loss to you at all.
If we learn to give, A life of service, we wouldn’t not need those bunker we keep hoarding and throwing out at expiration nor go to Mars to create an elitist utopia. It will be here, for if man is full, he simple sleep and mind his own business, what fills if not purpose, education and food. A life of service can help provide these things for those ephemeral around, as surfeit ensues eventually for everyone without necessarily making you beggared. A norm, heaven on earth.


Home is where the heart is, the art is, where someone is thinking of you and Alice must have thought, considering the release year and emotions penned on the Liner note of the Lord of Lords album. Asked by God how much suffering she can take for his love? Leading to her asking when she would be going home? having endured so much. His reply to her was that instead of returning home she would in essence become home. And quite hard, but sometimes we don’t see the giant we have become in constant supplication, how deep our footprints have dug in our painful stillness and meditation and the shelter we could in essence provide for those coming after us. For a person to get that same kind of “tragedy” and couple it with a resolve and dependence in God through it all, is quite the rare find, and he does he prompt us further to therefore become home.
To become home you have to become the rink, the tree with slashed trunk, bent but still shelters. You have to fight the battle, clear the weed, and do most of the hard work, enlarge your heart for others to walk across or expand its elasticity like a trampoline soul for people can buoy with for elated, and all at your expense.
Home in your art form, atomizing a recourse for tired souls like Alice's music, home for all at all times, home in your outlook, renunciation becomes you which turns into providence for others. Hone in your outlook and your thought, the solution, that constant drop of cold water, it is endurance, it is suffering, it is painful patience. - the deepening of our heart eschewing, retaliation and refining hatred constantly without fail, moment to moment eudamonia, it is the renouncing of the entirely of the what would make you agitated, cheated, or aggrieved. 
Top become home, the sand on the beach,to take the weight of them, seeing water so close but never really quenching your thirst, and you must allow it tease even when the sun scorches and you have no where to hide. And you take it again and again just so you can finally en-nerve and rev up a conscience formed from a precipice cocooned in a patience we mostly call love.
Home is quiet, cats, jazz music, cooking, Kirin Kiki, open windows, boiling broth, naps, boiled lemons, cut watermelons, watered flowers, children giggling,, wine in a mug, picture books, cocoa butter, photo albums, velvet sweaters, cold butter and unfinished salads, every-time and everywhere. 
Home in your walk, home in your living, in your talk, in your music, and activities. 
The willing and accepting Yes, the simple I will, shorter and calmer, rather than arguing out your own selfishness you remember how long a day is, and know your time will come to do it at your own pace, the flow, Vaisvana, allowing, being patience, looking for knowledge at every turn, stalling, being calm, Home like it’s vedic homophone (OM) the eternal sound, the sea where everything eventually come to drown. 


Bob Marley is sweating in the studio, his guitar angular at his side and breathing in counts he lets’ stir it up, looking in the direction of approval where it and continuation is a Lee Perry thumbs up with the right while cleansing the equipment with incense to remove any bad spirit determined to stultify. An again, and a one more time, and he knows he must have it, and he did, 50 years later we give simple thumbs up in repeated nods in earplugged head, loading boxes because Ludd was the saint we didn’t canonize, haunting us as every robot and automation that pushes us slowly to the promontory. 

Where then do our hard work go, and do they even count for shit if and AI can replicate the very human spirit and be better at it’s spontaneity than it’s owner. We are in trouble, if apparently our genius can be explained in binary codes and algorithms and replicated in an instant. 
It is a bemused cave man surprised at a technology drawing a better cave art than him, art was supposed to be our cum, ours and ours alone, from the head to the tingle of our toes. To have it replicated like it nothing is nothing short of an uppercut and mid count for those who based it’s ‘numinous quality as the onus of our quirk, esoterism and condescendence.
Surfeit and Technology have therefore tided us ove and made the art form urination- everybody’s business, a laptop, a beat machine and some cash and you could replicate the emotions and lyrics provided by an AI and be on your way to fame. 
How then we raise up, standardize and give sentimentalization to the art form based on the hardwork and it’s history in the light of today’s surfeit. We have to literally sniff today’s art in the armpit and see if it is human enough to be regarded no matter how good, Using that as a sieve in today’s word of AI, and robots that pump stream in increase of spotify numbers. 
This is happening not jus in the music world but also in the world of movies, how do we give these art for their regards enthroning them Beyond the tresses of today’s wog. Sadly all of the hard work can today be simulated on the computer discounted and made a meme of all in the space of an hour. To tackle the tide of technology we have to standardize albums too, have accredited sieves like movie do in Sundance Films, Palm d’ Or and Criterion collections. 
This is where we want to appreciate our sieves and not those bought over like the Needle drop giving credence to the latest Beyonce album, it just sad that everything coalesces in making the future generation very dumb. True art have been made useless as every bleating goat feel they can shortcut it all by replicating, remixing, and resampling, the problem is that the bulk of society are sub-human, forget, are easily dazed, sated and with a fast food, and Netshit, evening will come on that and every day. He will never recognized the tunnel that has become his life, suggestions from his algorithm see the tunnel that has become his life, 10 years and you will be surprised as the filth he touts as art

I scour the internet, search and look for and can’t find recently, it hurts to hear the same thing played in my ear as another’s music, they all sound the same, Clairo sounds like 3 thousand just like her, accentuating my preference for jazz. 
Now Jazz have standardized their genre music, melodies and classics, remastered and classifed as greats and unforgettable. We also have to start standardizing other genres too and have a trusted sieve and list for our Rap and Neo Soul classics.MF DOOM MMFOOD, Kanye West Graduation Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a Butterfly, Nas it was written among others and Neo soul classics from D’Angelo, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott 
Today’s People no longer read and as artistes have nothing new to sing about, we need to really filter or put a stop to the wanton creation or hype of albums until we are really sure. Giv them time according to Kendrick. Since it can’t be helped allow the surfeit pile up the junk, we will take our time, we know how to hear the pain, what’s real, and will continue to do our best in vetting and curating. But we filled bad for those tided over whose life pass without really knowing good music and wouldn't know it because of the how as a consequence demented their brains get to become. 
We be the the sieve or those not deceived, Since surfeit would do this to us, we must keep standards for us, Until they are us. Give the credence and sentimentality that many good albums deserve, because of the hard-work and the obstacles and even the kind of equipment that they had to make do with and make art that stand the test of time.
