A DIY Buddhist Altar


Indigent, but still we can create a Diy Buddhist alta by printing the image of the Gohonzon, flower in mason jars a ceramic cup filled with rice and candle stand, I was thinking of so many options and even thought accross using an aluminum frame and sliding glass or the cheapest which involves using Plywood and stapling the Gohonzon, using a rope and nails for curtain used for covering the object of. devotion.
You could construct a diy Buddhist altar there's pallet stand and cut out stand of two equal length get a a plywood, get a candle stand ceramic plate filled with salt for standing the incense and to a spiritual store for a candle stand, buy local flowers and use mason jars as a vase.

This all points to our devotion and faith, doing whatever it takes to replicate. And I went to print the downloaded image of the Gohozon

Total cost= 300 naira/ Concraw paper -100 naira
D I printing - 200 naira

Instead, of getting a new frame, I used an old picture frame, which can be gotten from the local antique store, which shouldn't be more than 3 thousand naira
 we had one in the back yard, I remove the old picture and viola!

Finished product

You can read on how to enshrine your Gohozon HERE and Download the image of the Gohozon HERE

You too can do your own Buddhist altar for as cheap as 5,00 naira. (Including cost of candle stand and flowers), please do.

