Bring Back Vines

 What's a comedy video you know by heart, for me it'd be the Nerd Freestyle by Legendarius. I know every word, and must have seen it a thousand times.

Bring back Vines!! Shittok will never be what vines was, vines was pure expression. It is purely onanistic and the time frame over explains unlike vines, I basically just miss 2012/2013 (maybe the world ended then, ..), it's all been downhill ever since.

I remember the Vine video"Have you cleaned your homework?" Like how do you clean...., Ah hell naww, Reggie Couz, Anwar Jibawi et. Al
Comedy breaks fences and the relatability of vines and home settings sealed the perceived similarities between lives and created a community and it's sense that remains unmatched by any app.
I miss vines

My brain still retains its lush with so vines and 9gag videos I think in memes.
Bring back vines please it was everything

