The mind is ground- Buddha
It burns your side, nylony sound when you sleep, like a spirit inside of you, reacting to light and motioning to do things, pointing and calls. It's the light spirit put inside you by the Yorubas to convert you to their cult, or to mine your ore
They spend time making calls to it, speaking different languages and then gleaming it, sending you energy, truamatizing a simple evening walk. it is a person, or persona you hear calls like " Hello how have you been? Why won't you come out, I don't like it"
My adult life have had to be crazy, I've had to endure the base level of humanity on a daily basis, filling to sate my crave for human being. A disgust slowly morphing into misanthropy. Implanted inside as a fail safe mechanism of reading too much of a climb, mining your destiny and ensuring you join their cult.
It's an animal spirit, alters dreams, blocks and supplants your memories, yellows the eye, hardens your hair and becomes their access to you. And they frustrate you, I'm talking hundred of thousands and it affects your psyche and ability to relate with them, where I considered it bestial merely talking to them.
It deforms eventually and they all have it as some welcome into adulthood according to the Yorubas, protude the stomach, deforms the face and an injection is given on purpose to left surreptitiously by a paid nurse to limp your left leg or rather string it firmly, To initiate theAl sperm trade and barter for electricity, food, belonging and living. It is their tool of control, punishment and assured madness if you don't join.
I didn't join, so you can imagine my lot, they put me through an ordeal for something forcefully implanted inside of me.
It is a conduit, a wire, a bucket, sim and tracker. They put it as an access to your brain and connect you to their Astral realm. With it and not joining them, they can't allow you roam free, so they subject you to torture, fill your brain with water, spittle, heavy your nerves. It becomes their astral access to frustrate your life, and they do frustrate it.
They deny you jobs, money, sometimes they don't sell things when you want to buy, discombobulation, panic when you want to go out, stress, make you hypertensive and traumatized. It is destructive it not only devolves and deforms them, but also turns them into zombies and all their portent revolves around homgeneity conformity and orgasms
I have to sit down with the spirit, it embarrass me reacts to their calls outside, distort my dreams, dislocating my shoulder, causing me so much pain, they drink alcohol and my send me the heat, burn my stomach, eat bread, high starch and send me the flatulence, disturb my walk, gleam at my brain, make me high while hungry, spending my days expunging phlegm, spittle and vomit from these animals.
I have to eat ash daily, drink salt water and reduce my contact with these animals, conceited in thinking an enforce will subdue me, not knowing that filth cannot stay in a sutra programming, and I will never join, I'm too intelligent to live a life of envy and mischief.
The might look at me sideways threaten assassination but I don't care, I never asked you for it, all your efforts would be in vain.
I had to sit this spirit down and educate it, feel it twitching inside of me and I subject it to sutra and vedas reading, converting it so to speak from animal to man and trying to use it for my own good. It is not an easy thing to do, sit down and endure four hours of reading, sighing and compressing, trying to realign myself back to my man and suppress this spirit, trying to bring back my memory to the fore, and read it up to what it should know
A blessing in disguise, I don't know, could do without it, it offers a peak into their world of witchcraft and nudges me into what they are doing, the punishment then becomes theirs as I will expose every disgusting thing I come to know. The punishment becomes theirs as their plan to make me mad capitulates and I try to use, subdue and educate every of the four light spirit and you could too.
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