Episode 7 of Daily Lives of High School Boys


Dareda omai
Jack da
Dareda omai
Dareda omai
Dareda omai
Imi wa wakanayo ( I love his voice)
Mo ii yo

I laughed out at the funny simulation and parody of dragon quest 6?
I love the straight man shout and repeatedly gags of playing different x
I'm your comrade Depp, wakanayo. Quit adding characters... 
(In tears)

Reminded me a lot of gintama, a gag I like is their refusing to give Tadakuni's sister a name choosing to shout imoto instead.
Do children still play acting play, let's say and assume house pays also playing Indoor adventure and utilizing their lush imagination
River bank high school boy and literary girl was the most funny in this episode" Are you a genius or what?
Scenic straight to the point style make direct put the Olay crunch style on the anime on knowing it will bore if they paid too much attentions details

This is one of the funny anime I have ever seen, not all scenes are hilarious but generally all are destressing, a shame it isn't as long as Gintama though the same voice actor graced them both.It is true definition of looking for an antidote to boredom

At some point Karasawa might have stolen the show, I mean he's just too cool. I love his cap, I love his look. subtly too, they tackle societal and youth issues like bullying, rejection, and the importance of friendship, even though it just spans a single season, it's a wonderful anime, you should fun.

