I'm not out of control and I'm not in a control - Kanye West
Eternally unimpressed, I stay always naked in my dreams, and see eyes twitching when they look at me, this is my life and I want every single person I meet to feel this, gotten from just spirituality and pure living, This poetic is my life and I'm feel outer worldly. It is a level, it sis the level of peace, calm overstanding and godhood and you are not in in it,
You haven't sacrificed enough.
I bought a hard drive worth and loaded it music worth 4 thousand dollars and drank garri for dinner and didn't even ask for a name,and this poetics is my life,
HiiiPower" is a song by Kendrick Lamar that represents a way of thinking and living. The song's message is that people should raise their expectations and not be limited by money, but instead be rich in spirit and mind. I'm just an earpiece and sunglass walk beside you.
But there's a paradigmatic gap. Discount and be in trouble.
How can I explain how to feel 60 feet tall, everything is yours, your creation and you are god over all you survey, dialoguing with Papiyan and I glean informations off of him see them pointing twitching licking their lips, screaming and it just Tuesday.
I Tell everyone that cares to know this is our right we are gods, we just forget, read vedas a send suttas, remember reattain your godhood emacipating your minds from the peeception of inadequacy
You have hurt no one. You're the marcher and the ground. No one is dress more sparse, no stomach is more empty but you are lofty beyond gods, due to love that can drown, That poetic is my life. An unmarried bachelor becomes father to all. So says all the suttas, so says my regimen, so says my heart, and there's still more with Music as our tube of flight and determinant of our reality
How political correctness nuzzled the African tale, Now that sex is over how do we barter our human trade, What best describes a man is how best he handles his low, so when I hit writer's block, I smoke a stick of cigarette and walk the road and trust these guys to want to shoot me up, they do, I remember and start typing, Buddha was right they feed me
How can I tell them that furnace is a more flight for a hot air balloon, and it's a joy that my children will also feel this way. I've broken the barrier and will forever be above you and that poetic justice is my life.
It's not a brag it's My life I'm not vaunting I'm a vessel I just need to keep myself clean and pure and I will write till I die. You have to understand it's a different world. You might try to understand it but it's my life. You think he's mad, imagine what I think seeing you struggle at a simple thing as life
When you hear Kanye's Facts he isn't bragging that's his life. He s above you and your lid of blood.
Not everyone can discuss about bleach assholes, but hey that is hid life, I live what I say, write what I like as Steve Biko said.
Children who have love take on the world, cruelty will make you a slave to your fellow man, if you have love you'd proffer a mien wealth would play for and want to be with
Rap that god shit, that's his life Sexual independence and godhood, there's frequency where one can't ever apprehend fear, That's the level we are on we can't help it, we know you are beneath it as theres a wave atop we surf and we know you don't know it nor surf it
Our energy is sexual, we transmute it in spirituality and elevate our persona Magnanimous and gentle we are love, your gods.
It doesn't matter what we do for sustenance we know we can give and have more love than you.
God is intent, a god is smoking a fat blunt and grabbing an hand full of ass, while praying quietly inside like Kendrick Lamar's expedient means of adding Nam Myoho rhenge Kyo in No more parties in LA our work I subtle but fatal, that's raw that's god Every thing I do is religious even my fuck is pure. And that purity roll of my tongue, kiss my mouth, That's god. We are not slaves but gods so says Solange A Seat at the Table, to be illuminati is to shed my light I have enlightenment more souls than I can count
That's how you get powerful, Sacrifice is the rung of life. This body's a bag of emerald we must dig and dig, For we will die soon the journey, the destination.
What would life be without law enforcement, I think it'd be better, law enforcement is it's on beggared hungry bloated bareneck, undisciplined empty, unneeded in a spliff world, a free world.
Thank God for me It's a tirelessness that can change the world we deal with the devil directly. It doesn't matter what we do for sustenance Jesus was a fucking carpenter what's the government to us
Sacrifice is a call up to climb up and discount this body itself.
Life is a mental climb whole get stick with aye when Illuminati is above them the level of monks and
Remove that fear.Read sutras Sacrifice make for the great life what's a puppy turned dog without a story.
That story is the dash in between years on a grave days Big Rube, says death. Plunge why won't you. It's ticking away and faster than it's tells you.
So Let's wring out another discipline and other Ore, the same faces as yesterday so let's improve, Rap that god shit and move past the alimentary, This big love has nothing to do with sex, it's wring is the most orgasmic, forget petty sex and it's air of fear. climb up there's only love at the top.
Anyone who is spiritual cannot fear your religion for if you are good we'd all meet at the top where there's only love. What then do I equate myself with now.
I am a god. Tank you Gotama, Vishnu, you too..
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