Sex and Suffering

 Sex and suffering means the reason Africa can't have development is some people like the sex afterwards. It is the hate, and pain hurtled excision of a repressed living
They tie their brain to your own so that they increase their orgasm,we have parents who want to engage mentally with their child's sex, homosexual who tie their brain with their partners, so they feel the fucking and the fucked
Witchcraft is sex in that when you see the length of the warped intertwine, cut the web the anger will make you fucked them the way they want to be fucked dominated and wringed and It is mostly astral..the hearing see.

The overlords will not allow us to have a good life suffering lead to sex, population increase and the tax churn. Subject pain as a form of coitus going through pain to endure, and enjoy the wincing in conjecture. We have people dislocate arms mid coitus to increase pleasure, and its a retardation that is continent wide, Africans can't think beyond sex and we can only blame performative conditioning of religion for that retard. 
Some will asked to be punched beaten just so that they can endure pain as a sex they didn't have
And it's that painful that fucked up, pain can only be excised through sex. A phenomenon inoxerable and lurid
E pain am!  I want make e pain you, use dat vex take fuck me well well
Dislocating an arm mid coitus to increase the orgasm and arousal, creates a nether cynosure that bends even their thinking faculty.
Comb and toothbrush are rigged, the plastic is a deflector of light, intent and essences all to make complete mockery of the human being
It is the sorry sorry you will like it and other innuendos of the African rape culture where the belief that joidevivre and sweetness can only be derived from mischief and pain
I chop him leg, Ehn I drink him blood are. Common place among the repressed, they laugh clap hand in jubilation. there are snare, atavistic ready confusing conflict as conversation. Nollywood have the same blueprint every dialogue is volatile

A differing hurtled sex operate the bulk of the African mind and create the ignorant horde that is controlled with cultic homogeneity triangular mimeticsm. The bible becomes the gun, the belt and the phallus. Blood infused love and old testament Leviticus African church Christianity of circumcision and genital mutilation trading fear.
Razor cut on the tip blood and sperm sundaes and create the Africa fling unto rocks who become  mangled lesson teacher as elder, Ignorance.
It's the crotch smell, the gnaw, grab and tear into African high deposit of melanin and ADHD makes their love stuffing, rapy and acerbic
It is reason they believe and enforce the work, because work beings home broken heated and hate infused good fuck, God for the African is an erect penis and dare not cum. 
He is the flogging, the heavy load, carry ot one time, bend while washing, don't cry, endure it absessed injections, limping a hate with wheelbarrow hawk of. Family. A complete dog's life. And they reify this rot and foolishness as a conform the norm Africa Will never know peace or be well educated until religion dies.

They go after each other in hunts and snares love of the cail safe mechanism, deriving sex from suffering nas suffering from sex. It's a sick sick mind that pervades Africa and Nigerian as an especially.
Am intervention of 50 years cannot heal the overall damage for the overpsyche. Our leaders are brung up on this onus imagine our lot.
They have to unlearn (stop religion) heal (marijuana and music) and relearn (melioration in movies and music)  For at least 3 generations to heal this genetic wound. May we get there, Help us, it is not easy

