Corruption and the Motif of Comfort


How big should a bed meant for sleeping for just six hours be, The Japanese use a foldable futon, orthopedic in function, foldable and easy to manage.
Some of the things we steal for, we should rather not have had, the comfort that we assign as the norm are advertised, indoctrinated, unevaluated. As cars turn into the extension of our egos, a lie might lead us to theft. What comfort when we haven't really checked if it was needed, could be smaller, cheaper.
I could make a list for things unnecessary in a Nigerian home that would pass for comfort, Firstly is a couch, these things accumulate dust and remain unused in the 9-5 both spouse work life we are living because they are the norm, people still waste money on it, we rarely receive visitors and phone killed television.
The second is the television with it's externality of decoder and subscription, with the price of electricity you are better off buying a tablet and downloading movies on telegram using the night plan. And the list goes on, from clothes to shoes, refrigerator and air conditioning.
When I think back at the house Pol Pot called his own until his death, I draw breath, nod an understanding that truly the crave of the human body is animal, it could be culled controlled and ironed.

If we calculate the number of abandoned cars on the Nigeria streets were they converted to cash we would make at less 75 billion naira from it sale either as refurbished or scraps, but we keep importing more.
Think of what those cars could have been had the cash been used to create industries, what purpose, income and pride would have been ours .
But the bloated motif of comfort is off to buy another inshallah, through Jesus Christ our lord. And the rut they are living will go without cause, pause talk less of check or a recalibration, to buy this God prodded junks they await a salary gotten from a World Bank loan from their government work and ghost working slot. So how do we end corruption when the minds that give birth to the minds that should make changes are fed the same profferred motif and perception
products and victims of orgasms they took happiness as junks from stores for the joy of Salvation, haves in the excess. what you want, someone have an excess of, The President has over 500 cars in his garage as glorified lego.

We must question all dogmas and motifs run from the stupidity and selfishness of a splendid burial, 
instead of fighting all these landlords and prospective we rather implore the government's help and assistance to educate self caution and asceticism finding and dig a hole in the self, a gully where the little gotten is made satisfying with the brim of content for if we lackey to the largesse of the man we will remain beggard and remain open to the whims, threats and  conditioning of the ventriloquist. We need to stop our Borrowing.
 People should understand their ephemeral nature and plan towards it, if they should understand that entirety and excuse induiovidual trait. 
first the tax the rich a make law that make largesse impossible it can sum but just this dept for you since you re still going to die enjoy this depth and this depth alone, the government could provide the necessary distractions and care for the 70 years slated man and if there should be child the same world and gird would exist 

Since we are unable to mesh together with an inter-relatedness of over 50 years, it is a constant monitoring they sap in to the elixir until they dry it up looking for one thing that day they usually brag as their ignorance but their lackey for their day has backfired, we can sustain life but not this motif.

They knit relationship by hurting people church included the hey are lip scare but the word is demonic headed for damnation, locust like they live  a false modesty that leads to the destruction , Conscienceless Abrahamism

one weird dream that i had suddenly i realize money is of no value  lies i told myself as truth because you find the base you will lose the eternal crave with moderation, we can take from the excesses of all cooperation and live simply

life is not run on merit but on sacrifices what do you really want. in this consumption and the motif of comfort 
let hunger inquire about itself and plant the food it desperately wants to eat. for every meat get a new born calf and see if you can eat it immediately 
it's hard to be in this state all the time.
never obsess to form, the quantity of life have improved in nigeria but not the quality
all problems are acquired sequesterence is peddled it is wrong  get a bike who can you trust when you don’t trust even reality?? Rehash and perch your life and friendships,live small, acquire along the path and find corruption drown repeatedly in the oil of content

