The Semi circle


Because the astral world is like the underworld you need an obelisk or twenty to ferry yourself across, lest you'd be stuck in a world that is a mad house so what you will need to is to pay your way out with sacrifice, and how long or how far your sacrifice depends on how far your journey within it, and it also depends how deep into the otherworld you have ventured.

But with sacrifice you begin that trajectory back to this world and will surely return. based on the gash of my scar on time, and the kind of articles I wrote, the weight of my sacrifice was quite lofty, because I not only found out the annal of the system but also uploaded it online for anyone to read from time to come..
Completely my sacrifice and coming back means I can now journey back and forth seamlessly, I know both worlds and the way back.

When you have completed your sacrifice, you'd feel your brain close like a door, which means that your circle have close up, covered it circumference and you are now impervious.
You might get high but can't be discombobulated, you have come full circle, you are both up and down, high and center, the complete circle.

In their realm You are a weed, eavesdropping on the nation wide profferred frequency and reality subduing, subverting, suppressing and retarding

Lost and can't find a way back, the more weed you take the further downward into that world you go, Yes it's your right to go and know there, but if you can't find your way back it becomes a problem.
Just like space the arrow faces both ways up is down and down is up and on that straight road the imagination can go as far as you prod till you start seeing the pyramid and two balls, at the top. Some even go as far as entering the pyramids and making a room of the two balls.

But you will never return, the way back is sideways.and it's a curve that complete the circle, if you don't do enough sacrifice you will be stuck in the semi circle.
The radius you are in becomes a quadrant and your thought will only revolve around that portion, if you are stuck in fear, the realm of witches you are still stuck in the semi circle and haven't completed your journey back.

Many people who think that's they are free from the high or sodomized to a clear, are still stuck in the semi circle, they can't read, they can't smile, they feel stifled all their lives. They are stuck in that radius, but they have been there for so long, it has become their world

That becomes your world until you get started on and complete your sacrifice, it's a little by little shooting turbo through your legs journeying through space, one sacrifice at a time the only way to move across until that is done, you will not be free.

You have in the Yorubas a race of women, stuck in the semi circle If your brain haven't close up they will have access to you, and you can never return. 
But when your sacrifice is complete, Now you know both worlds, surely you'd be permeated but you can never be lost.
Since you deal with the devil directly the voice seems very intimate, but always maintain a calm.

When you were young, you saw with the normal field of vision, the norm, the perceptions your brain picked were the easy, but when you get high you enter into the underbelly. It's a high as well as well as a low. you become familiar with the world within a world.
A world of gods and demons, the mad and the crazy, it could be overwhelming but it could be marijuana that shoots you up or sacrifice lead you to that path out. The high leaves you in that astral forest. You carry your self across memory and all through sacrifice

When your brain have been exposed you have b even turned into woman astral vagina Women come into from that fear by dropping blood monthly they are shot into that astral realm
As a man marijuana will take you of that realms of the double talk and double meaning. Your open brain becomes permeable and they would call you into witchcraft or run you mad

You have to close the brain open to Fear, they will say you have to pay, meaning you have to sacrifice to be allowed a safe passage or space.
Stuck at the semi circle a lot of Nigerians are stuck there of manipulate those stuck there
You have to give up a lot, and sacrifice to make it out. most are assured being sodomized is the only way out.

When weed changed your brain you are stuck in the semi circle.. A lot of women are stuck in the semi circle they attack line a pack of dogs , mirrors, pin, biros and attack your astral self nerves and brain.

a covered brain is open to Astral and close to it as well, like a swivel door, Impervious
The flowering love is the bridge on betweens worlds and realms Stone buds mountains split To the man that has love
The devil is confusion and discombobulation
Sacrifice ensures the equilibrium and center, return.

Those who cannot match the sacrifice will ask to be sodomized by someone older 
You will be told welcome, you could be stuck in that realm turned upside down and used.
But when you return you can never be high Just woozy and tipsy, and Everything amuses you.
Spirituality makes you a thug. When you come back you feel your brain close like a door.

Nigerian are stuck in the semi circle .
My joy is my children will never start from where I did or know what it means to be that level ou guys are stuck in.

You can be a circle how big your circle, depends on your mental strength where the height is marijuana the circumference your sacrifice
My advice protect your ascent with sutras and vedas 
Marijuana is deep dive, sacrifice is the sail across

Where they trying before, are they trying anything now, you can never know you are beyond.. across
Protect and make sure your climb up is swaddled with sutras.

