Walk it Off


Imagination and Walk utilize the excesses energy that come to be the norm as an adult. I wrote an articles or two about walking, Where we utilize the pressure pad of the brain on the toes to calibrate the brain, still the mind.

Push up to leave is a levee for a well read suffused in love, I see my future and participate giving it as much credence as the present.
One would get lost in the imaginative but with music earpiece as swaddle I can travel and anchor back the sutra become tube of return as I journey back and forth
So, I'm never discombobulate no matter the fuel you pur into my train I can't run out of rail when I read the eternities and superlatives.
Million millions asamkheyas kalpa ready and waiting for you to inquire.
To be sincere I sometimes miss being shot up,
I just see it like now, it's a living room I'm with my children and I smile the music play and i exhaust it, a return.

You have to understand that cars and motorcycle are invented concepts. Our forefathers used to trek barefooted from Nigeria to Ghana 
Walking would make your mind strong, and on the walk I can write listen to radio engage and wind up the cadence of my brain and average two articles per day.
When they send you energy the Buddha said they feed you,. Utilize the energy it is not for fucking, sadly fucking cannot exhaust it like walking.
Since they don't know what to do with it, and dump it on you, use it for them, they feel like that the excesses energy will drive me crazy but I know just how to utilize I mostly don't enter the bus to where I'm going. Men trek from China to India, you have become soft. You are supposed to walk.
Look at that protuded stomach, it's just propulsion fuel they sit down and the dopamine make Their inability to exhaust their sex into hunger and then they grow obese have high blood pressure, die. You are supposed to walk and read as the only way to exhaust your sexual energy because the act inevitably atrophies. But you must eat daily.

I trek from Agege from there, look at, see Ikeja and just like that and back. I get to listen to at least 3 albums, people need to think that our sicknesses became pronounced and myriad with the invention of cars.
Not all of us can afford a  sauna we ought to walk it off and sweat.
As daily exercise, it reduces your spend on transportation and simplify your clothing as you wouldn't sweat on an expensive..
With my earpiece it is paradise where I walk take photos here and there. Occasionally you find it had to breathe, but it doesn't exceed five minutes once you have trained your mind beyond what the body can carry the body can never carry, trust your mind and just believe, Walk it off.

