Trump as POTUS And What it Means For Africa

      It is no doubt that America has become the destination of all people of diverse identity, this is not just because it is a land of opportunities but because she created a better atmosphere for the maximization of individual's potentials which probably other nations don't have. Nevertheless, America was built by the collective efforts of all diverse identities.
   Initially, I was the opinion to rashly judge what the situation of America will be under the leadership of Donald Trump, but like the saying goes"actions speaks louder than words" and Ic can say "Nigerians are already enjoying the change they expected" in which case Human beings are moved by the words of mouth, and forget that "God owns the heart of a king"
I don't want to be prophetic here. Nevertheless, I must let you know why Africans, Mexicans, and Asians should be happy over the emergence of Trump.
*Note*: I'm not writing this to proselytize you neither am I writing to deter you. some of my opinions here will be based on assumption and forecast which might come into reality if peradventure, Trump follows his manifesto strictly.
  Since the end of the cold war, America emerged as the only super power, becoming the super power is not my concern but the way she applied the power in intimidating other powerless countries, America appears to be peace maker/ keeper, yet a war monger. she appears to be a helper but an intruder in the real sense.
   She keeps claiming to be maintaining world peace but busy attacking, directly and indirectly, countries that don't dance to their tune, using the divide and rule instrument to separate any bigger nation they perceived to be a threat to their power. 
For instance, America played an indelible role in the division of countries like the former Korea Republic, Republic of Vietnam etc. she tried it on African continent but have failed to yield results. With this, they 've moved into the economy and continued to sponsor various forms of negative activities ranging from insurgency to secession in Africa. 
To verify this, try and look at America's posture in the war against insurgency in Nigeria. America is more or less like a devil who offers you a cap but in return seek for humans head. 
Without going far and to be specific, The emergence of Trump does not just represent the fringe of America but he represent a chunk of it. He will embark on outrageous foreign policies which many will perceive to be of effect to the aliens (Africans, Mexicans, and Asians), but I must let you know that every of his steps will be detrimental to America, which eventually will pave way for the deportation of aliens from America and the peak of it, the emergence of another world power. 
Consequently, These aliens will come home with their wealth and wealth of experiences to fast-track the development of their countries. Thus, the worn out of America dominance and the liberation of African continent from the shackles of bondage.
If he (Trump) should do things according to his words, the manifest destiny of America will crumble which I perceived to be the best option for the entire world. May be you don't know, the capitalism structure forced on Africa by America is the only parasitic policy affecting our economy. With this, America ensured that we rely on her for everything. However, with the coming to power of Trump, he will severe diplomatic ties with African countries, thinking that it will affect Africa economy but not knowing that it will affect America the more. With that, and the coming home of African children, Africa will relate with other countries like Germany, China, India, and Russia, which will later mark the end of America hegemony.
   America popularly known as the rose of the world will be a thing of the past, for those red petals will  wither out of pride, as sunshine will flee from the land and no new wonder will happen in the land again.
   As for Africa, this will be a clear manifestation of the words of Bernard Daddie, who said, 
"Dry your tears Africa, your children come back to you, out of the storm and squalls of fruitless journey, through the crest of the wave and babbling of the breeze over the gold of the east and the purple of the setting sun, the peaks of the proud mountains".  
Dry your tears Africa! Our sense are now opened to the splendour of your beauty, to the smell of your forests, to the charm of your waters, to the clearness of your skies.

Mused by MPR
