Movies For the Holiday - Annie Hall


"Sex with you is a Kafkaesque experience"
Well I guess we stay for the eggs

This is one of the most interesting movies i ve ever seen in my life.
I'm a 90's child so I don't and don't expect you to think I should know Woody Allen. But I have heard the name and haven't been able to see any of his work.
But I have to say watching Annie hall made me an instant Woody Allen fan.
As far as 2016 goes I haven't seen that much movies this year. chiefly because I've got options and can get lost in the unending world of animes and literally be far from reality as I want to.
But I love classic movies I am the kind of guy that search google for movies that would make me cry. Annie Hall is a wonderful movie and I enjoyed every scene created by this amazing genius. God bless you Woody.

He radiated this movie with so much intelligence and I can't believe of all the movies I have seen all my life I haven't given so much credit to a movie like i did Annie Hall. .I love this movie so much because of the reality. The essence of love. And the beauty in it. You see both the actor and actress show genuine love for each other as they kiss in the most passionate of ways.
This movie reflected in a lot of way what we go through in relationships today and how we are caught up in a constant chess game Trying to act against or forgive transferred aggression of our spouse due to a bad day or an aggressed person. how long should we call, should we act tough, should we be strong and how in this manual less life the simplest mistake either through sheer stubbornness or passive mind games and lack of communication could make us loose a good thing. 

I particularly like the parts where he would look at the camera and also the parts where what you are saying could be different from what is in your mind

This movie is perfect with the blinds down, popcorn in your hand. I love and enjoyed this movie I hope you do too. Merry Xmas

You can download the Movie , HERE 
