The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, or the Fear of Hell as I usually say  but I don’t really think people should have a fear of what they have never seen, calling God a father is called Anthropomorphism which  is the giving of human attribute to God, drawing inference from the book of Genesis “God created man in his own image” we forget that God is a spirit.
   With that statement, Men will bring on the idea. That God is a loving father, a forgiving father, He is a Jealous God, God is angry,and this is very popular  with Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism,and Christianity) because of the monotheistic nature of their religion
They use statements like God understand, God loves us, to draw hope and forgiveness where need be
With this they believe and hope God does share characteristic with man, and with that, they implore into his conscience like He will never forget you, and He is a Just God

Many have gone further to say that God is a girl for giving the ability to create to the female gender besides that, This theory talks about God as the loving father, which is the way many see him a father so infused with so much love and mercy our sins mean nothing to him. 
I am not going against the theory, I am like many finding God through varied amount of theories that help us understanding our existence, if the glory of our birth is balanced with the gore of our deaths and why really we are her? Lot of questions, I will not go into detail militate this theory like
How do a loving Kill a Nation for the sin of one man? Infuse stubbornness in the heart of a man?
Kill thousand on the whim of one man? Watch thousands go hungry and die of starvation?
  Some might even argue that this belief have led many to do gruesome things to their fellow man with the belief that the loving father will definitely forgive them.
But when it seems convenient they also place him in a transcendence greater than humanity, when it comes to patience, and justice like God is not man.
This to me, insults the omnipotence of God, and the fact that the  Abrahamic cosmologies of a Spirit naming a man from earth. And we being brothers and sisters committing incest, especially  the way God is described in the Jehovah witness hand books which is mostly the mental image, we get is a white man with a very full golden beard and a golden seat.with a secretary that mark our good and bad with a long register and a camera guy that records all for judgement.
Funny that mentality made me look up when i was younger to see if i could hide from God's camera
Laughable now because of the understanding that it is the cosmology that formed the foundation of the religion i was born into.
As if he is spiteful like the white folks that controls the jail see i believe that if God is real he will never judge a man because he knows us all and therefore he will understand 
- J.Cole
But we forget so fast that chairs and gold are earthly things, the existence of this kind of element on heaven is a far reach. Heaven (if it exist) is just so good that it was qualified with the most expensive object here. In heaven we don’t what kind of rubies exist. Or if any exist at all.
But the question according to George Carlin is 
If truly God is a loving father why should he smite, me for failing 10 measly commandments? 
And if He does, does that make him a loving father, or a man at all. or an algorithm, Who knows really?

by Victor Samuel
