Every Art Form Comes with Indescribable Darkness

Buddhism is a very profound religion that stems out of immense thinking about life and finding solution to tragedy and difficulties that are life souvenirs with the saying no mud no lotus,
The lotus flower grows in a muddy area without stain and the more the mud the better the lotus flower blooms  giving credence to the ying yang theory the good in the bad and the badness in good and how life balance itself naturally.
I first saw this saying in the movie "What's Love Got To Do With it"A Biopic of Tina Turner and how Buddhism helped her cope through a bad and abusive marriage, taking a page from that. I posited through personal and other testimonies from fellow artists, artistes, and writers that truly the mud bloom the lotus flower and sometimes Darkness is a necessity for Art

Darkness Is a very important aspect of literature or art as the case may be, most times it is the bedrock, the background of most literary work. ranging from rejection, depression, loneliness Heartbreak, Bereavement or out right  darkness from Paternal passed pain to confused existence
To make good art sometimes there is an unfathomable amount of darkness that only Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain would truly understand.
 “ Pain makes the best Song”  - Saba
In search for purpose or meaning, the artist feels alone in the world and writes words that explain just how he feels and that becomes art, sometimes his past experiences becomes something to be laughed at. Or it could be the loneliness which brings every human closer to his demons.
We need to know that behind the glamour of the everyday celebrity lives or behind that really good poem, or good music there could be a darkness we fail to agnize, and it makes the artist feel lonely amidst millions of fans. which sometimes lead to them going out the way they do.
 Most times the fans don’t really care. They just want the next thing, the next thing, they push and poke at you literally with the  ‘Hey When You Releasing Something New’
Some times when you think about what it actually takes to make art. With music you spend months creating and mastering only to have all your works rated above par by a group of flawed individuals who just have access to an iPhone, they move past the obvious under appreciation and move straight to poisic criticism with writing, there is this total oblivicity that clouds that thought you thought would shake and change the world.
And it makes the artist ask the question "If i died right now, Who will really care?"

According to Kat Williams in a interview he admits that making jokes come from a bad experiences you can look back to and laugh at. Experience which now appear funny when reminiscing but at the real sense, they were actually real life events with no sense of humor attached to it.
Richard Pryor comes from a place where according to him “ We fuck to keep our mind off eating” having his first child at 15 proves just how messed up his upbringing was.
In his 1978 Comedy Show he admits and tries to show a picture perfect depiction of a life of struggle from fighting with his father to getting beat by his grandmother with switches. buttressing J Cole sings about his life saying, “ They only care about a nigga when he makes his jokes” after that he could well be a drugged out junkie suffering from the scars of his past and demons that stroke his hair at night. His opinion are vain and uncared for, envisaged to the outright criticism he got after the remark at San Francisco. All he just have to do is dance Trocca dance 

My analogy is that his opinions are sapped from the same fucked up mind that cooks up the joke, Nobody really likes the back of the pot. Only the contents. But the back endures the fire that makes the food.
Ab-Soul one of my mentors and big also had his share of darkness from suffering from Steven Johnson syndrome at Ten to losing his high school love the worst way imaginable, all which can be intimated with in his song “Book of soul’ and this have been understudied in his art, with his ironic life 
"How am i so bright but my eyes are sensitive to the light? its a balance you never understand your life" 
-  Ab-Soul 
But the darkness ironically is a good thing because even our artist admits that pain makes them create good music, but life is a like a swim. we crave going under but a little air is not so bad.
The mud really is the balance of the world. showing that the most prettiest of things need dirt to grow.
In a nutshell we fail to understand what it takes to make art. and a little recognition and empathy won't be bad. because behind that blooming lotus flower there is mud, dark, mud betoken of  how murky, the water the artist cry and swim in.
For artist,poets,writers, artistes everywhere who battle demons to make good art I say thank you. 
And hope this darkness, this stigmata, this cross becomes a bridge someday.

-by Victor Samuel(@thevictorsamuel)
