stable lips

First uneasiness, a knock and a sigh of confidence
Ass licking knave Tupping, cumming
Instead of a ponytail, a tuft to make self helpless
and approachable, Known for making
the beast with two backs. lascivious and He
stand before you unbonneted Past or present
here now though like a Pastor present
He gives praise and credence to your lewdity
Gag by panties I reach down To make it
a handful. No kisses. Unhealthy
Heard it all how hue put out light switch with
Nipples kidnapped - work miracles
always have things to do
Like a jelly-o in the bushes
Raw you

first miracle is for the drunk
mildly from out of space
my children have always been on thenar space
surprised by brain, what it can fathom
run to the mirror to give awesomeness a face
an ogre with low moral tenets.
call me Less son of Job
ran from old age, but nowhere to go so I sob
swim, surf and ride now here – saddled with work
Denying age but Water kills and fire kills
In watery hell he’ll  swim
The face the canvas, our words the paint
in this nippled desert hue made me drink thirst
what is left is murther picking out chains
shovel out water ace of spades
on the right is six stars
with light years of buried placentas
Romeo not Italian hetero set where Men find men attractive
He tried to carrying you along - shoulder aches
“lick my clitoris too that you churn butter with”

"who’s ass licking knave now?"
oh moon of my delight you read minds too, I thought that
tell me not your mind is still sane amidst this deliciousness
darkened thoroughfare – frequented, goals of a business place,
do you know that pendaticism is overrated
an indoor dog, I am bred for wickedness
but this sugary door, openly shut and sour
reminds me of a lost poem of unhappy lips
that goes like this

Give me your all, ye it to me as sweats trickle
down the seams of her birthday suit
the river, an opening, a cave
started questioning
does it hurt?“tis been there for a while,
shaped like an inverted apple, went in and notice it was still
freshly cut and smelled metallic.
does it bleed? yes once a month
feeling sorry for her kissed it
she watched  lips meet lips
he asked? Lips why you unhappy with a constant frown and always pouting ?
she watched tongues touch tongues
feeling sorry for him she smiled in appreciative moan,
unhappy lips why won’t you smile?
For its botox, many a gentlemen have prescribed and stick sweets
“i hate unhappiness in every form”
nights like this after enjoying a good meal night like this when itisical sweats wet your forehead
a sweet that would never get tired at all she only laughed
with a beautiful smile that contradict its
it continues its frown and finally said
Jehovah created unhappy lips and nothing would make it smile forever'

"I don't like it"
good things don’t come to those who wait
only pain and suffering don’t be in a haste
“I don’t, I mean Am not''
strike when the iron’s cold morse code
I hope I at least send signals
Seen a lot I want to try but time is not on my side
And your ruthlessness wont allow I am inside
But You think about the ones outside
and how much more you could be making
As I could continue my poetry
I proceed to smell this smeal
 Still you goddess you keep your sanity
Lost mine, don’t make mocks with love 
I could still be dangerous, wait, and you did even when i can go no longer
 tell that funny story of how like a debased Indian when you threw
for virginity away to the man. for less than a cent
I guess Id ride your hot spoked. All that’s spoke is maned,
all those days you believe in words spoke 
and being spoken to and spoken for and the believe in all that spoken spoke
that's just how thankful for drying my hands eternally greased
From the crude cream to the medieval gum
"what am i worth?"
a car, a house, two cars, two storey buildings
Promise, I promise, Now promise Promise
That you will Cry over town for this town crier who is
happy at his first visit at the stables?

by Victor Samuel
