The love of a woman

what really is the love of a woman?

The love of a woman never keeps to time
The love of a woman is secretive literally secretive
The love of a woman is demanding
The love of a woman is ageless and disrespectful
Funny and stupid
Impulsive and cunning
The love of a woman is sitting atop a penis
Longing for another with pierced lips and unpierced heart
The love of a  woman is misplaced and cares what people will say
Sure of nothing really
The love of a woman alluring like a tongue of flame emphasizing the sheer stupidity
with burned wings and betrayed eyes
Skin and heart as hard as the table she loves to sit at
The love of a woman is comparative and unsure
The love of a woman mocks without thinking
And when the chicken come to roost the love of a woman is as forgetful as a hawker in debt
The love of woman Is devoid of time
Wild horses tamed only with words
The love of a woman is broken from birth attached to their pelvis
An eternal search for mend in saliva and needle like appendage of men
The love of a woman is quick in growth but slow in maturity
The love a woman lacks intuition and  is very impatient
The love of a woman forgets, hates,and disgusts
The love of a woman is deceitful with a piteous look
devious and wickedly vengeful
The love of a woman seeks pain and believe all can be cured in between her
the utmost most foolish thing
Its a puppet show, wastefully alluring
the love of a woman is exhibitionistically deceitful
The love of a woman can be brought out in a moment notice like a snails eye
Selfish and insatiable
Destructive and palm foolish
noisy and inferior
The love of a woman must be bullied
Reiterative and threshold stretching
No matter the front make no mistake
The love of a woman is mesmerizingly dumb
The love of a woman must be cultivated and curtailed
every handshakes is a arm grapple waiting to happen
The love of a woman is spoilt.
The love of a woman is curious
The love of a woman is lazy, trusting and easily fooled
The love of a woman is a losing hand
The love of a woman is alluring like a masquerade taken home to be surprised
The love of a woman is prostitutive
The love of a woman succumbs and settle faster than stone in the sea
The love of a woman lacks ambitions and is infused heavily in incest
The love of a woman smells and packages
The love of a woman is empty and overrated
The love of a woman evade her catharsis and therefore have no emotional ballast of her own
The love of a woman is foolishly proud
the love of a woman is smart in the dealings of the family but wasteful with adversaries
The love of a woman is quick to give
still, the love of a woman is greedy
cares not about beauty only what fills her to bursting takes no advice, decisions are made before they are shared and brought to light
The love of a woman steals, begs and do despicable things in the hope you forget
and if you do remember the love of a woman is shameless to her fault
The love of a woman is jealous and demonic
Envious and spiteful and vindictive she throws knife at a snow fight
The love of a woman is the lobe of a woman
The ultimate crafted Piece of flesh with the alluring pull that brought Nations down
The ultimate source of gravity
the clog of humanity
Necks bend, knees give, throats moan still the love of a woman is unsatisfied
amidst all this business, The love of a woman runs commentary through it all
the love of a woman is leech like sapping every emotion and fluid of existence
still nothing is known about the love of a woman

the love of a woman just is.
A passing blur, a flap of an insects wing, Smoke in the sunset.

by Victor Samuel
