Children are not trophies to be shown to friends and relatives of how much you have cum,
Stop giving birth if you don’t have the means of training them to a respectable level of education, stop giving birth to children if you are going to hang your obligation over their heads as a privilege and use that to pressurize and frustrate their existence,
Stop giving birth, if you are not going to take time to teach your children manners, and kindness,stop giving birth if you are not sufficient enough to feed yourself
Recently there is a surge in the population creating more and more useless, mouths to feed, lets keep the sanity of the human life apart, imagine 7 billion people driving cars, that the dream of each and every one of us, since the basic element of our existence is so similar we all want to make money drive cars, live large and sleep with expensive vaginas or penises, whichever your hyper-gamy points.
All under the canopy of a futile and vain existence.
Because of unnecessary peer pressure and frankly useless one, and traditional laws and stupidity we plunge into lustage,(lust and marriage) looking for people we feel can better carry our genes, black guys going after fair girls to “balance their skin color “ fair girls going after black guys (for fear of albinism in their children) and all other futility we hang ourselves with.

But that by the way, when fertilization does occur and you manage to convince yourselves that the little rubbish lives you are about to lead, will create happiness for you magically, what plans do you have for your foetus
Many of them, go to school, try that for the time they find our that they are not cut out for it and look for something doing, after that they go and learn an art or craft and find out that without connection they have wasted their time learning nothing only for them to be distracted by the first commandment and find their selves populating without any plans for their own selves in the first place and many atimes still being kids themselves
I was recently taken aback by a man who used his father as a reference point for failure in life for trying to feed them with his little money he earned as a civil servant.
Telling me“He could not cope” the father who had given birth to children of 8, felt maybe the little monthly salary from his teaching job in a government secondary school meant he would and had taken care of his kid. Only to for the little vermin judge him years later.
 But here is the twist the man who in making reference tlo that and admonishing me to go and look for a business to start had himself 5 children of his own, and was wearing a shoe with a damaged jaw obviously making the same mistake his father did. Nice advice, since Most people are victims of what they preach. He only went ahead to butresss the fact that you don/t have to go and work so hard, and struggle on to no end to feed mouths you shouldn't have or could easily curtail, as children are not supposed to be the result of a blood sport legalize in the name of the father, and the son and the who cares.
   Most times these children turn into guns for hire, nonentities and good for nothing who do anything their peer influence pushes them to do.
Sometimes it could be in search for a child of importance especially in the eastern part of Nigeria where a male child is considered to be the continuity of a family name of a corpse long forgotten. And if the parents don’t know the Billings Method, a search for a male child could lead to an array of girl children who ended being forgotten when the child of importance comes, leading to live a life of struggle, corporate, stylish, marriage promising or full blown prostitution.l
Please Plan your family if you earn an income that can only take care of 2 children, please do just that don’t give birth and start complaining about how much your family is consuming your income no one cares, they weren't there when you impregnated your wife.

Life is definitely more than just giving birth, take the pill, dont give birth to children you can't feed, or train, or care for. who end up becoming a burden to themselves and to others. spare the world of your senseless and useless waste of space.

by Victor Samuel
