Name One Genius Who Isn't Crazy (about Women)

 Women have been the discuss of men right from the earliest days. i posit that men have lit fires in caves just to discuss women, the proverbial downfall of men, As men have wondered about the beings infused with little wormholes of their existence and how to control them, tagged as the clog of our development, Man's ruin, man's woe, and the endless synonyms not to talk about all the songs albums, work of arts dedicated to this creatures.spend some time with them, and unsurprisingly but all the way mystifying you find out why the priory of scion where obsessed with women,
As an intelligent person you would be fascinated about these endless creatures and the power they wield easily, sometimes it might stem from and not exclude obvious mind control, developed animosity based on revenge on unrequited love, a slave ownership mentality and  mind chess,

When Two or three men are gathered I am with them, and 9 times out of them The subject of discuss is usually women
    With Hurricane Weinstein and other sexual offences carried out by people we will agree are the best mind of our species, I ask us to name one Genius who isn't crazy about women, Is it not an argument in their favor if we see that there is a pattern to this, and In favor of them i can posit that most genius are, and  are  going to be obsessed about women so the question we should ask ourselves is why do we act surprised about it, would it not be a sense of hypocrisy if (analogy) we get angry when a scorpion we put in our hand stings us.

First take a look at our species and what we call geniality, as rare as this intellectual position and even more rare that some children are born with it, let take an instance from a level of geniality that can be attained from an ordinary person who priory had no sign of genius, for instance a child born into a catholic family, raised on the bible and to walk the thin edges of the monstrance serving God, he sees his parents you know this lovely couple that receives holy communion together and pray together and probably sit on the same pew. He grows old in the mirror of that image and wonders to himself who will i receive holy communion together with, and just as he approaches life head first like he always did, little did he know the world of women is a murky water of misunderstandings, preserved disappointments and brash episodes of momentarily stupidity. Disappointed, He ask himself where did he probably go wrong, was he witnessing his first condemnation, some times these feelings become too much to bear, hence the need to hose it out in writing
And in describing just how you feel you end up writing a first poem, a second, a song an album and it becomes the way you see the world from your head, since your nose is buried in your book or notepad, it becomes good to you and to the world, there you have it a genius. Understanding my point from this analogy in most cases it is our obsession about women and the ever after promised that makes us appreciated for what we write and say or the longing of love from another, this time from either parents, lover or friends. Trace the history of most literary geniuses and you will find unrequited love, laying the foundation there,it could be from the father, mother or from a girl you probably can't remember or lie because you still do vividly

I don't doubt that there are beautiful minds who have been like that from birth, yes but our ordinary men turn superheroes got their super powers because of one heartbreak or the other, because if most men got the molly cuddled and happy endings they dream about there will no songs of heartbreak, Drake might probably never have a career in music, It is because we lose love, that we write about it and appreciate it the way we can, so in art form, Loneliness not necessity is the mother of creation and it create geniuses who in turn must lose something, even if painfully sometimes is the respect for women
So that being said, If Geniality and insanity are sleep and eyes blinks and you can't expect someone who is insane to play with everybody's rule book, a lot of genius have been discussed in red light and the shade if theirs are always darker because of their perversions with the latest being Weinstein others include Charlie Chaplin, Bill(Pill) Cosby, Mozart, Robert Crumb, Richard Pryor R Kelly, Woody Allen, Eddie Murphy, Kanye West, Clint Eastwood et. al

Affirming a bitter well known fact that the smart ones can't keep it in their pants. A strain of the intellect will definitely need a kind of release and most smart people go after women to play the mind games that is to control them, and when they do this they achieve a sense of superiority they already know they feel, reaching down to talk to you, truthfully also most geniuses are idealist first. A believer of love who later find out that love is just the oppressed addiction attached to the first rape-The lonely man bond. so to get attached to a person the lonely genius have to do certain others who participate will criticize, and these loners had to get to the level of their geniality though loneliness which makes them more intelligent than the average person and average laws guarding the average humans that populate the earth he will search for his muse where ever, He will be a man with his own ideals and principles You decide if you want to get your heart broken

No to be misconstrued I don't think sex offending is good, and should be shunned in every way possible, and not every perverted person is a genius, but in most cases every genius must be allowed some level of perversions, and maybe just maybe if we can act a little less surprised next time it might help point out the log in our own eyes.

by Victor Samuel
