In This Corner Of The World; Love Remains The Brightest Flash of Light

In this corner of the world is a gloomy anime that show the life of the ordinary Japan during the second world war, showing in depth a Japanese and cursory look to the happenings before and after the second world war showing in details the life of the people how they had to cope with air raids, rationing and distraught betoken of a war torn place, people and era which culminated with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that changed the course of history for them and the world totally

Suzu is a young woman who decided to bloom in this darkness when she's told she have been asked for by a suitor, who will definitely turn her peaceful world of drawing, cooking and living the peace, quiet and sharing common dislike for their brother with her sister who they refer to as 'bakemono' upside down. She is not aware that she and her suitor had both met in a kidnapper's basket, In short, Theyall just lived ordinary lives and content life.

 But With Marriage came the war and all the men had to be busy and her newly wedded  husband was not exempted, this didn't make life bearable as she struggled to cope and adjust in a new family and culture and background with intense hardship and poverty.

But just as things where beginning to get bearable in the home made basement the war chased them to, and just as they finally finding happiness amidst the turmoil. It came with a bright flash as bright as the sun and took everything away, leaving only a wry smile that envelop a pain inexpressible.
  This anime touches on a very sensitive topic, to the Japanese people, as it depicted the most unfair man have been to another since the beginning of time, But also threading lighting on the subject as if to say, it is nothing really, even as the hope they portray in it, it reflects and strengthen us in our daily life by showing that life is still life even when all hope seem lost

The soundtrack is definitely cool as it created a very balmy atmosphere to enjoy the anime in. There are also great insights into Japanese culture, showing the importance of little things like the importance of an umbrella in a Japanese marriage
All in all it is a patient and calm walk through into the heart of every Japanese everywhere and i felt that pain that can only be explained with smiles, Looking at them forge ahead in hope in the their corner of the world.


Review by Victor Samuel (Zetsu)
