How A Witch Is Made

From a ferry tail  flew a girl fecund with-
frowns. pawpaws with heart for spear
broom in one hands dreams in another, sweeping
possessions from her fathers into her another'
in Lagos, where she-prince would meet her
just like Cinderella she disturb distant sisters distance
with a bet no prince would find her not in this stance
she and luck coincided with someone defiantly older
prince turned out fine, and an orphan as all men die
keys to the kingdom- lost, come help him find her
away,vacuuming baubles expensive and cheap 
joys and jolts of the journey now all hers to keep
stung and prickled plains, hill tops, not so easy to trim
with a bent back sometimes stomach would kick
some are accompanied with tears, while water lick
not all that perfect, life more of the sighs and not tears
instead let it come from the ceiling top!
prince charming dizzy from spinning decides to rest, 
baubles in your hands, heart content? we have done our best
for a kingdom, slaves and the joy baubles spent with zest
like the love which hid him in a nest, high strung with rest
but like Rapunzel he found a way, his heart his chest.
proudly putter on her purple lips which bemoaned his quest
far into the pour and provided charm into a younger's heart
he promise he'd never leave singing "all loves fade"
this is the toil over nothing, best at that
the realization of this is how a witch is made

by Victor Samuel
