Tuesdays and Thursdays : No Phone Day

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Attention is the beginning and the end of all social interaction, from the day we find out that by crying we can get what we want, we have used every tool in our hands to get the next person to notice what we do, to get a sense of self and importance from it, Now take an instance of when 7 billion people want the attention of 7 billion people at the same time, crazy right?
But that is the world we live in, the world now a global village we are all at the reach of our fingertips constantly tapping the next person million of miles away from us to notice us using the only beacon that we feel will save us from our reality and ourselves which is our phone
What is a phone? A phone is a thing a device. then why can't we drop it every now and then.
Tethered with U.S.B cables the modern man are literally charging in the womb born with our faces down the world might only be seen with our pates, Our maybe we could evolve and have an extra set of eyes on our heads just to cross the road with because the addiction is becoming severe
Constantly on our phones even is said place of worship, checking looking, filming with a fear of missing out, We should try to break this habit as our phones are taking a major part of our thinking and frankly it is uncalled for. some of us where born before phones became prominent and we did fine, The irony of this to even pass this message I am hoping you learn how to do without your phone with your phone
Can we switch it off?
Look around you, go for walks, look  for new neighborhood try gardening fish farming pick up a book, do a life hack, knit, sow, exercise, dance do something else other than flipping from one graphic image to the next, or typing Amen or impulse comment on Facebook because another one will be waiting for you tomorrow.
life is bigger than one mean comment on social media account Create a life for yourself and really find yourself Back to my argument on attention Every one of these social media and website we are addicted to employ people that make sure we never leave their sites, Even with this blog, I also prey and sap your attention hoping you become the music addict that I am, I say this because I am also a sufferer like you, I advocate that we need to cut back on addiction to our phones, I also am addicted to site like Brightside, Twitter and other music blog and sites that upload music daily
So I decided after seeing Ready Player One that also advocated on having an off day to make Tuesdays and Thursdays my no phone day, Those day I pick up a book and read after reading I walk and hope you can do the same.
Note, Some of us work with our phone and might have an emergency line, I am not saying you don't pick calls but after the call don't go from there to check what going on, keep it back and live that day without it.

Let Us Try, by Victor Samuel
