Stand Up Its Comedy; Eddie Murphy - Raw

Eddie Murphy who now is known better as a big movie star, with a great filmography, but he got to this level by being a comic and for me He remains one of the greatest stand up comedian of all time, His ability to mimic people to perfection is one of the things that make him stand out, coupled with his good story telling techniques all of which he detailed to a tee in Raw
Raw which was performed in 1987 is a sequel to Delirious and his second feature stand up, Opening with backlash of the last comedy which he is accused of taking things too far, But he goes on to walk that same edge again when details Life as a celebrity,, Sexuality, Marriage and cheating with this famous quote "Love and Money Don't Mix" The bit about female orgasm is my best part of the stand up feature which is uploaded for you to  

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by Victor Samuel
