Music Is A Perception

Many nature religions ascribe the use of sounds in practicing their faith, with an inherent belief that the universe we live in reacts to sounds, to them the universe works with sound, It is a musical thing some might say you are supposed to sing and dance when trying to preach the futility of life and the disadvantages of chasing “success” in triangularistic sufferings to fellow ambitious watermelons.
  Perception is the way we see things which then projects back to us the thorns or crowns whichever we feel we are putting on, both thorns and crowns all have prickly edges and are heavy to carry even if a thorn could be a crown if we look at it from another perspective, the perception a person have goes to change the way the person thinks and how he reacts to a situation and challenges even life in general, which is why some people can be nihilistic, overly ambitious, calm or anxious. 
Music is a big part of we are as humans and living things in general, animals like lyre birds go as far as using car alarms to attract mates, for us the kind sounds that we use in conveying how we feel is music, and it is not a timeless way of conveying thoughts and feeling, it is can also be a kind of lens that changes the way you see the world, and change your perception of reality entirely turning you into a different person.
    The kind of music you let into your mind affects your flow which is why slow music helps you relax up beat music are right for exercise, so also the music you listen to affects you perception of the world and how you live the same life we all share.
   While some music dictate a fast beat and talk about making money and living fast, Elliot moss - closedloop from the Boomerang album teaches something totally different to two different people who probably walk the same street with the same life living in the same place, faced with the same reality. Different beat, Different flow it just depends on the frequency you decide to tap into.
So it is important we scrutinize the music we listen to, One of the reason why this blog was to create a solace for good music, because we know Music is a perception we are careful about the kind of music we listen to because they have a huge effect on who we eventually become since they are constantly in our ears it becomes part of our subconscious mind that affects our perception
Music can empty, elevate or depress you, with music you can really count your blessing or feel incomplete,The kind of music you should listen to is one that blends with the musical frequency of your nature which posits why we have affinity for different genres of music, While some people like Neo Soul, Soul and Jazz, others like Metal, Dark Metal and House music not that both are polar opposite of each other but the affinity for a certain kind of beat or mathematical timing of sound can't differentiate who we are, but what matters is the content of such mind changers.

Victor Samuel
