Philosophy Of Proposed Perception

The Movie "Rain Man" was quite a fascination to me, With a nice story-line touching ending we see a man who is taken away from an institution by his brother in a bid to get him to will over money he doesn't have any use for to him, with a portable television to use in understanding the world around him, which he clamored for based on his addiction to it in the institution, To me most of us are like Dustin Hoffman in this movie and we get most of our understanding of the world around us from the television the reason we feel sad, depress about the life we live is because a better one is advertised on television, our manners and mannerism can be traced somehow, somewhere on something we saw in a movie or a program, the movie Rain man in which the character was obsessed about who was on First Base and our present obsession and copy of Western pop culture represent the totality of the phrase “monkey see, monkey do” positing that man can be controlled by the things he deciphers with his two eyes, and through unconscious acceptance we can and have be made to accept the greatness of certain nation and damnation of ours, A perfect example is the cartoon Sponge Bob Square pants that never advertising good vegetables nor eats anything healthy except a burger to get children addicted to a life of fast food joint. 
So I posit a philosophy of proposed perception in trying to reform, indoctrinate and educate a group one might consider savage, in a bid to teach conscience and create an utopia that is self stimulating and intrinsically motivated by people who are conditioned into a differed perception totally if the input device is the eyes, Rain man becomes important again because the device for such a program is the television a medium long lasting battery having portable television like the one held by Dustin Hoffman in the movie,
Personally a change of perception might be the only thing changing this nation what we consider undeveloped and cursed and can give us the genteel pristine of our advertised world, Not a change of people totally or a particular race, just education. The earliest battle between the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands and the Viking’s crusade show the brute nature of man exist regardless of skin color and vacillates in extreme boredom or disgust based on the set principles imbued in a person at what is to be considered lubensuwartes luben with proof.
Nobody willingly wants to kill or fight, everyone should be happy to breathe new life every single day but the space we consider enough and our obsessive compulsion might give us a berth too wide to ply our ego through and that might make an atom bloated speck of dust feel more than he is.
   In damning the recurrent and endless circle of rebuild and destroy that have become the norm of political correctness in Modern day Nigeria in which a system of waste, corruption and incomprehensible greed have plummeted the country into a cesspool of fatal dismay, one of the ministers posited in a leaked audio the total annihilation of the most populous black country in the world based on how wrong it was in its foundation and thinking. Instead of another genocidal attack of a group of people that we feel are responsible for this thought process we can use a system of proposed perception. With this system of control we can bypass the brash arrogance of ignorance and move straight to unconscious acceptance and we have no better time than now when radios play stupid songs on repeat til you find yourself constantly singing the songs you loathe word for word
Tai Solarin one of Nigeria's leading philosophers posited a good and working philosophy that would have helped Nigeria for generations to come, but we went to the familiar and regurgitated drivel of Awolowo's Akunleyan and Akunlegba that he used in enforcing the indoctrination and teaching of Religion in Schools of a "secular" country, Tai Solarin is important as this proposed perception is a derivative of his work and belief system only this time we enforce such morals, values and conducts through media device and system of controls which are the addiction of today's Nigeria since we have said system of control, which is the television, we control the content, the sub conscious acceptance and the mind of the people inevitably. As I feel like I am a testimony of what a change in the kind of music and media one get exposed to, inevitably changes the way one's sees and get seen.
For example if many people will sit and watch Big Brother Nigeria without missing an episode, but what if we don’t control the people by trying to preach to them the brain rot that occurs from binge watching the life of others instead we control the content of Big Brother Nigeria and allow them binge watch something totally different and didactic 

  In creating this aim We will need in millions portable television and radios, like the one in the movie Rain man since your target population is the woman in the market place bored to death in a cubicle of freedom as she wait for customers to sell her wares to she can be indoctrinated to a system of life that you consider ideal, why they love free things they will be more than eager to take this portable televisions off your hands as it will give them something to watch.
Firstly in it we tackle the Abrahamic religion because of the greed and individualism it brings the feeling that man is more than just a camel calf that isn’t in the jungle with no more a life than the fly that perches on his mouth. Removing entitlement like God my father, and all other greed infused ideas that bloat them into a foolishness of an existence that kill them within Most churches and mosques should be asked to pay tax every time of worship, most mushroom replicas of the same old regurgitation will be forced to merge with bigger counterparts and reduce the noise in the surrounding, immediately convert most of the deserted place of worship to basketball, volleyball, or hand ball courts to deter them from diabolical use, that way engaging the sports activities that can serve as a purpose for them if they decide to chose that part
  Preach about and Create a pattern of taxation that would enforce modesty by taxing at every juncture luxury cars so that the amount they spend for owning and driving it might not be worth it, hence deter the constant important junks that cause unnecessary traffic, As Tai Solarin puts it, any car above a Peugeot 504 should be taxed
Introducing paid community service to everyone who dares because of the quick money mentality of most people this money should be substantial say three thousand naira per 6 hours of work, and when considered is equivalent to the minimum wage that every government can afford, students and young school leaver who feel bored can think of a quick way of making money by doing things that would improve their society like sweeping, picking up dirt and planting trees and ornamental shrubs but it should be alternated at most 3 times a week so that it doesn’t become dependable just enough to get them motivated and feel a sense of responsibility and with any thing that takes a person’s time they might develop a jealous guard of their effort and enforce others to deter from making a mess.
Movie should be played, movies like ones directed by Ozu or others that are not English that teaches manner should be played in the portable television and at a noticeable height at many places and can be heard with a radio, twice a week at night without fail to start the proposed perception of a different point of view and way of life, Censorship of radio station and banning the playing of music with empty lyrics or music that advertise and vet quick ways of getting money and laziness 
Media scrutiny should be enforced in curbing films and music that praise get rich quick schemes, or appreciation of our common vices and A promotion of community journalism should be encourage through payment to eye witness and whistle blowing to check mate and curb excesses of people who get money through schemes and underhanded methods.
proposing ownership of a pet and a tree by every household fostering urban forestation which is very important in stuffy urban areas, Seminars and talk shows that will induce and propagate a change in thinking should be played on this perception device. Early morning preachers and buses preachers of Abrahamic religions should be discouraged
Create incentives laden chores on religious days to further frustrate the numbers attending churches and put a strain on the tax returns, the perception you want to preach should be the only religion you want them to practice

  Privately owned schools should be taxed and the teachers in them should be selected by a body responsible for the standardization of teachers and posting of qualified teachers to the school who will be in charge of the welfare and protection of the teacher from exploitation by their employers, mushrooms schools should be targeted, taxed and frustrated And the training of the children should be the sole function of the state in creating a uniform sense of collective intelligence and experience and curb the pride of going to a school of importance and other frivolous factors of separateness and importance
Ultimately the perceptive device is a spring board to direct your eyes, and mind to other things As adverts of events should be constantly played with mouth watering offers and rewards for participants, the main purpose of this device is to tackle boredom, redundancy, laziness and greed.
Concerts of different and differed musicians from the norm that will serve as noetic experience for proposed perception should be organised at every break, and holidays, Non governmental organisation should be established for the few who want to help other people creating a sense of purpose. also a dress code should be proposed to discourage excessive spending on clothes and fashion Create a taxation on internet, digital television and take light for months, to deter a change or clash in new perception to discourage people from finding a forum to question their indoctrination. Lights should be taken and brought only from 9pm to 6am every night for rest and security alone give solar panels to those who work with light. Any thing to make them glued to your instrument of perception Do free health care and check up in a bid to monitor household with than two children propose family planning and sensitize them on keeping their children to a minimum so that we prevent waste by having a population that matches the resources available.
With it maybe just maybe we might see a differed change in the overall problem of the country and the world at large, and prevent the total, systematic, planned annihilation of a group of people, and curb the excessive violent nature by which we feel every information must be passed, As we human beings with a characteristic of adaptation and change and if we only believe in ourselves a little more we will understand that many of our actions stem from the stifling ignorance we are faced with and if we know better we will do better. And if 90 percent of knowledge is gotten from our eyes, Let's see, maybe then we will know.

Victor Samuel
