Loving Failure

From pornographic screens I project firm breast
and smooth faces
Braggadocio of foolishness and sanctify it the 
coy of the century
Utter failures my god! In this lair I worship, evaluate 
confuse nothing with mystery 
taking in very little and making it all noetic
I chide not the emotion that brought me here but if I was,
blind and dumb a different emotion altogether so something 
this fall must take, or give
if it is as real as I speak It is as real as I feel
Remotes and immediate unhappiness put dust in the eye of 
almighty intuition
Tomorrow remains yesterday so permit me a night of clarity
if I will be back with tomorrow failures in the helpless groin rushed blood
to save and to bind, to destroy the breaker of my childhood heart 
but if it were reversed I would not be given the time of day
I have to stop, my loving failure have brought me to my wits end

It is pain when I smile it is pain when I say
It is pain when my questions do not seem to go away
I am making hay with a scorpion just close by
for your smile, I take a lot of injury to my pride
For your smile I damn it all and cast all pride aside
And when the thrill is gone and all my die is cast
I run back to pornographic screens to fill my imagination with another
in which I will back My foolish greed with 
All in firm breast foolish giggle smooth faces and
mirthful intuition

Victor Samuel
