Olive Kitteridge; Strength In The Virtue of O.C.D

Discipline is a waning concept when faced in conflict with a world that seem to lack it 
You might ask yourself  " Who do I think I am" Especially if a psychologist make you feel like you destroyed your son's life with values and a strict nature you inherit and want to pass on quite naturally making him hate you and the greatest love and gift a mother can give you which is obsessive compulsion disorder

Olive Kitteridge doesn't have a phone, and sew her dress to her son's wedding herself and will not allow to leave the class even if our mom wait at the door and implores while its a few minutes of your serving detention an embodiment of indifference or discipline who know with her, Olive Kitteridge stoic nature helps her through her husbands midlife crisis, her own unfaithfulness, and the sadness of living an ennui

This mini series taught me what to expect from being a strict parent who have to remain faithful and in control in the midst of unhappiness, in the midst of depression and an unfulfilled life
and still doing your chores through it all with a promise that no matter what you do for your child you might be the one thing that sums up their misery and they might not love you.

Pretty decent and cool, Frances McDormand bringing some of the Three Billboards sadness and mom rough hair to a beautiful "why" i love her so much partnering with Richard Jenkins. Olive Kitteridge explains the importance of abnegating the selfishness of personal happiness for a familiar and working sadness that have been kept firmly in place with rigid chores, duty and a very stoic woman. 

Download HERE (torrent)

Victor Samuel
