The Love/Hate Relationship between Artists And Teachers

 Musicians have always expressed openly their feelings about their teachers, and some of those songs are less than stellar,this fascination have grown into a Love/Hate relationship not all of them will openly preach their pain like Bright Chimezie did, or J Cole who is quite happy in his improvement in Maths, but many others have a sense of appreciation or retribution to their teachers. 
  Firstly,It seems weird that superstars musicians would still feel inadequate and chase the veneer and respect of a school teacher years back, in an effort to prove a point the reasons is that Teachers are the only adult that we legally accept to chide children apart from their parents and religious leaders and because children are thrown to these mind openers and molders who end up being responsible for how the child sees the world reacts to the endless conditioning of life’s reward and punishment
They serve as model of upright bringing, our guide towards future mistakes, and overall moral inputs teacher are mostly the first people to find out our cognitive prowess and so go on to develop them prognosticating how far we would go with our level of intelligence
They can encourage us when we do well and help us with certain aspect and also they insult and put us down when our level of reasoning falls below par at that time

Their words haunts us for a long time, as they build the foundation of our intrinsic criticism and inner wussies that doubts our every step in life so eventually when we do make it we turn to them and attack them trying to rid off our self doubt from foundation up, everything that made us fee like we can't. In truth shouldn't we rather see these hindrance as a bar set by them that we have to be thankful for if we are finally able to scale through because our teacher know what level we are now and we have potential to become some more and in chiding us sow seed seeds of their own disappointment and a penchant for chasing perfection
They hope to refine their mistake that they are the result of they now cause they regret knowing if only they had so and so guidance they would be better off and seek to offer that when they see anyone with kindred spirit It could come in form of insults dotes and care. Because to tell you the truth few seeks to become teachers in life but when the grand dream explodes and the foam settles man chose whatever brings food to the table instead of insulting our teacher we should be grateful that they take interest in us, as they set our mind on the path of knowledge it might be narrow with less sleep but it is a mind that we would be grateful of having when we look in retrospect
A mind that will be set o n a path that will allow him to question himself constantly in which he will try to prove the teacher wrong by chasing a perfection that is appreciated when appraised

Here’s why the artist can't seem to find forgiveness, because the art industry is just like the class room and he is currently returned to that conditioned child constantly with his listeners and the critics as his teacher who grades his homework, and he is constantly returned to that first moment he saw the red circle on his work and what certain letters meant and how it represented who he was in the society
As the teacher mark his work and rates him according to grade so also the world rates his album that contains a bit of his heart and soul and when he falls under par he also go back to do some reading, brush up in his knowledge deficit in the art or tricks of, when he submits another home work we can call him a good boy and give the grade he craves. If he feels good he might say "And my teacher told me I wasn't going to be great" while we say “what?”
I am a teacher too and know the influence of my words on people I am in constant fear of what if, these children know what little power I have over them, how eager they look up t me and so vulnerable to me if I feed them lies or truth they will never question it, so a teacher job is important for every artist current old, failed like us or prospective around us, My job and your job as friends, parent and adult in society  is to constantly criticize them and set for them a bar above mediocrity and if later they look back at us with confused fondness we will be glad they scaled through and feel good for and about them, as instilling in them a spirit of not accepting good enough and by being better they teach others the same thing and chide others the same way.

Dedicated to Mrs Tom-George, Rev. Nwosu, Dr Omoiya and Mother for throwing me out with my bath water so that I finally know how to.

Victor Samuel
