"Hmm" like Chishu RYu

Movies give habits that we might fail to recognize immediately but with time and retrospect we understand why Peaky blinder almost made me a smoker, Patrick Melrose gave me a instinct for satirical and witty remarks, these days a habit i have is that I say hmm like Chishu Ryu, Of all these habits, here is why i write about this one.
One of the problems of growing up is that you reach the full circumvent of human conversation, instigation of sex, begging, and outright wickedness, the whole human endeavor becomes monotonous and all at once tiring obsequiousness becomes the love of peaceful times
One of the memorable things I learnt from watching Ozu's movies is the fact that none of his characters ever stand out and their ability to stay calm especially in the wok environment setting.  You notice the untiring nature of greet and gesturing giving everybody the humanity they deserve but the stand out for me was the pause behind every sentence and conversation it give a space for the brain to carefully think and select the best possible reply, Rather than a quick fire answer we are given the ability to slow down or lull a conversation and make it ours.
Hmm or so dayo  by Chishu Ryu is the chief model of this muse, his filial relationship with Japan's eternal cinema virgin show the relationship between a parent and daughters a calm that they often seek his opinion in issues that bother them,
Hmm a cool hum of approval, that serves a nudge or quieter to shut down depending on how enthusiastic the speaker feels
Hmm gives you the ability to address or arrange the nature of the conversation be it brash, cynical or a gossipy trap you can cool down and really listen 
Hmm, gives you the time to keep your intentions to yourself, It helps protect you from revealing too much about yourself from people who like to trade personal information for other's
Hmm reduces the tension and anger you might feel from the uninhibited and unchecked jargon that might pour out from the mouth of an illiterate person
Hmm might give your marriage, friendship, and relationship it requires for you to carefully analyse each statement and see if the person deserves a reply or not.
Good Movies will teach us a lot going forward, as humans today we have the ability to look back into time and learn lessons that can help us be a little bit better, patient and calm like Chishu Ryu

Victor Samuel
