Humans are plagued with hands that craves hands, care, which creates a feeling that makes want to own, tend to, and posses so we transfer that to other human being shaped by their own catharsis or lack of, and ache without end. The movie Magnolia have the scene of where Donnie The Quiz kid who in search of love goes to put braces on his teeth just to impress a bartender who have braces on his teeth, At one time he tells him  I can love you, I can take care of you.. He ended up losing his teeth after he fell on his braces 
The Question is, can we scare others with our love, could it be that others also want to show love by  taking care of others and our sense of adequacy and the fact that we are capable of doing same put them at a disadvantage and off, as we in turn look to them as people who should be taken care of

In truth to feel is to be helpless, to feel is to put all your hopes on the laps of  another, Isn't it dangerous when we have so much love to give, When we can't seem to find a sense of belonging
when our love is loud can it be mistaken for bullying, when our love is possessive and curt can it confused for one feeling or being superior, and when our love is childish and playful can it confused for unseriousness
Can a denial of love make us evil, I don’t know about him but if I loose my teeth in a failed attempt to impress another and end up not being acknowledged or if the person goes as far as mocking me forIt, I might do the person a similar gesture of lacerate his throat with a shiv and listen to his trachea hiss
The care can make us dangerous, In Nigeria we have a story of a man who set fire to a family of eight after he was rejected by a girl What is this madness and why can't a middle ground be found, we have Undying and burning love on the one side and total indifference on the other.
I feel like it all boils down to a greed and a sense of entitlement on the basis of an old believe in "karma" and a feeling that our abnegation and sacrifice ought to be reward because to taste loneliness is like experiencing war you become battle scarred and try to hold on to what you can find when you do, but holding on can make you end up stifling , As a result you beautiful love could become scary, your beautiful love might feel like a shackle, your  beautiful love might become a burden, a chore and no one wants that. So when you have so much love to give, be calm show it and expect nothing in return, do not go as far as losing yourself and self control allow people to make their mistake and if you can forgive them do, if you can't that's fine too. but be wild, be clumsy be as unabashed and crude and find total acceptance of you and your beautiful love. 
Until then, love and find yourself, travel and find inner peace because nothing last forever not even the beautiful love you claim to have nor the belief in its reciprocity..

Victor Samuel
