With Hope, Dead Man's Thoughts

With Hope Dead Man's thoughts is my fourth anthology of poems and pramps. I have not posted some of the poems here on the blog. I try to write each anthology like a music album, where i focus on a theme Here is the Preface


Intuition being a higher faculty than reason, we are therefore acquiesced to the incipient societal linkage of mental health with spirituality, Like L’ Ron Hubbard and his Scientology philosophy of removing thetans in us, What are my thetans? one might ask, if The question remains who is really clear?, or who believes that they have the necessary clearance to ask such a question. A question that nags us in a quest for purpose in a nation accursed and demoralized and bastardized. The accursed when they find out about the futility of their every effort will therefore search for redemption by war, protest, suicide or any form of blood baptism available for a foolish sense of martyrdom This redemption pit us against the egos we call heartthrobs war serves as an unrivaled opportunity for ecstatic experience war reunites the alienated with the grapple of the sweat. the same sweat which in the chase for, had turned them loose in the first place

Conflicts brings paganism to the fore, where the heart not going to be satisfied by a story of an acclaimed virgin and a crucified loud mouth no matter how frequent they wake us with the constant repeat of it in our ears Putting my skepticism out there since I am a victim of what I preach and quite
Frankly what can I say that as not been said, In a country where options are few and scarce like leaves in harmattan. We are just mannequins who smile with whatever is put on us. “The Government” an all encompassing phrase that parenthesize the beginning and end of all our problems, is not to blame because if we are the same people, the problem will be same, Until we purge greed we can know no peace. This work offers no solution, just a collection of sad thoughts for you to draw short straws from and see how it applies to you, I am just a rotten sieve that my reality
pass through and what is left is what I can pick and show you. In truth, I write as I think, orthodox correlation of normal poetry don’t apply, the lines can switch from philosophical thoughts cries for help to thoughts of vengeance with ideals that I hope might change my reality, as these are expiation, tired sighs, Dead man thoughts…
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Victor Samuel
