The Red Pill, (And My Glass Of Water)

  The Red Pill is a documentary film directed by Cassie Jay who changed her views about feminism during the course of making the movie after seeing things from the perspective of Voice for men activists like Paul Elam, Dean Esmay and others, Even though i learnt a lot i couldn't help shake off thoughts that found verification in this film and there were a lot of them which led to random pause which include hand throws, random pacing around my room, countless grunt of approval and a final shake of head in acceptance
 I almost lost it when I saw that women calling the guy “fucking scum” just for going to a program and listen to another person's opinion, among other things, like the ratio of death male to female, work related injuries, people to jail, and jail time for similar offences showing a very bad disparity, and also showing with statistic that violence exist in both male and female. The Red Pill is a very important documentary in this increasing world of confusing gender roles, and placement but like most good things it will take time for us to finally have middle ground but this is a good step going forward, here is my glass of water

  The beef against masculinity to the feminist is always success and not sacrifice, The fight of feminism changed over the years from equal rights to down right animosity to anything masculine gender to hate even, where we have women demonizing the male gender and affixing hatred they have for a jilting spouse to an innocent boy of twelve years old shouting "they are all the same" with preconception of an unhealed heartbreak, 

   When asked, The bone of contention; Fortune 500 companies, Female leaders, To enjoy equally what men do; Why can't you fight to sacrifice as much as men do or have done. What of female dominated altruism, the theory of dominance stems from this: if I kill I own If I get killed I get owned this is the battle and affirmation every hunter gatherer have to face 
to provide for the woman in the cave from Ancient times to the hustle of Wall street 
Knowing that unless you don’t eat you don’t smile I don’t feel right to come home, why don't you woman come and kill with me and place your life on the line and see the selfishness,  pain and abnegation that comes when you do for others without any guarantee
 Repression only occur when a group of people decidedly want to feel superior over another group by denying them what they feel that group cannot do without. Sex being the agent modern day man falls victim of, looking for the almighty romance he has been preached to about since his childhood in the laps of a woman they will do anything to attain this which leads to this "stupidity" of a society constantly turned on a female pleasing motivated gyre that have led to the creation of billionaires, expensive cars, and greed bloated lifestyle that go with it, and the advertisement of it at every turn to those who have no hope of attaining it have to abnegate, suffer to reach bare minimum, however Few people can abnegate without reproach and when you go through the abyss of loneliness something have to give unless the woman as a girl looks at a boy and say i love you, regardless of who you are and who you are going to be, the woman hate will continue hate that gave Eminem a career, made Crumb famous, because both boys and girls are born in their tabula rasa form how come one have to go on through life feeling inadequate just because it is meant to be so

  The movie Magnolia show a scene where Tom Cruise's character organized a seminar where he advocates for men to fight for their right, because in truth, the male problem have always been the nature of our biology the  inexpensive nature of our gonad make expiation a necessity and for that men are made a fool of and taken advantage of, making us the brunt of a societal joke that advertise our solution at every turn and use to to tease us childishly like fools there you have it the so called Myth of male power

The woman have a baby that they have a lot to prove, to show to who? do you know that marriages are instigate and initiated by men with the predisposition of care for another person who is supposed to be their equal, and they soldier on through repression, delays, convincing and utter foolishness to toil day and night so that they can have a nagging tongue waiting for them after a day's work, something don't feel right

 To explain a little of the constant apology of an existence man have to live the word "bitch" which is the name of a female dog is used to qualify or name a promiscuous  woman, lady or girl and is termed derogatory, Why? Now give me an equivalent of such word in it's exact sting that can be use to qualify or name a promiscuous man, or boy that can seem derogatory, I dare you and don't use any word that can be insulting to race (nigger) i dare you, the word "bitch" which send most women to the pretentious hurt and tears can find no equivalent in the angst of throes of a man's world we don't have a word we haven't heard or called ourselves that can make us think for a  minute, you don’t even come close

All we ever wanted for this world is for the world to get off our backs, chiding us and leading us to quick deaths with statements like  "You no be man" what does that even mean
Then they talk about gain. What gain we are talking about we are talking about a reciprocity in sacrifice and some women are arguing on gain, when 90% of the "gain" is spent on society definition of pleasure (women and cars)
Who will want to compete to be slaves, why don't the ladies work and bring the food while the men stay at  home  we are treated like animals, easily disposable as we latch on to stupid foundation,Women are treated as product of care, However  I doubt most women of any nation will be willing to rush to a village and look for men and take care of them, but a  man is always supporting them. Who supports us? Representation is not sacrifice, Sod the fortune 500 companies,Fuck the advantages in academics economic and politics, who are you beside all of the said and done what do you see when you see a man and when you see a woman why do you feel that way?
Men are unlovable, according to G.K. Chesterton we know, but do they even see us as human beings which is the argument of women like Karen Straughan The society see men as beast of burden with no use for life and reduce to the prime instrument of animalistic discharge. Uneven working conditions even in the work place men get the the hardest work while they expect equal pay
Pornography addiction only becomes an addiction becomes a woman feel she have to deny you sex until you can provide something you are nothing until you begin earning something, This industry is worth billions because women use sex as a weapon of repression
And I am not saying that women have it easy all through, I know for a fact that women go through tough lots in life, I saw the documentary movie City of joy I saw how women were used as an object of violence and rape as an instrument of war which is shameful, but at least there was a city of joy there was no city of Joe, still Dr Mukegwe built a center helped them cope, survive and heal sutured several vaginas damaged as a result of rape by men,
What of the men being used as pawns to fight the wars that produce the tablets that pacify our 2 years old at least you get raped, they get killed. Giving the option i think any rational thinking John Doe in the Congo will prefer a stinging anus to a hole in the gut anytime
Boys of 10 are given guns in Yemen, Congo, and other war thorn areas at least they get a choice between rape and death many boys aren’t so choosy.
And like the documentary, this write up is not woman hate, it is a vexation that have been piled up by the way our society treat men and boys it is just so unfair we get born the same way ignorant and naked with no hope anywhere but someone seems to be doing the heavy lifting and judged despite it, and it has to be called to attention. So i write this;

For the poor mason in my area who is robbed off his daily pay on the illusion of forever by a girl who takes his money after telling him a kiss is enough, for the fathers who come home to nagging wives after facing a frustrated work place For the sons that are victims of Munchhausen by proxy who have to deal with raving mad mothers and have to provide sanity and masculinity in a house without one without losing their own sanity
 For the boys who are raped by much older females who can’t tell anyone about it and the stigma it caused them and how it makes them scared of female maturity and why they can never date someone their own age
This is for the men who are pressured into loveless marriages and blamed when things go wrong, Men who can’t seek the help of a Justice system in a divorce which is symbolized by a blind woman what a bias!
Men who have had to raise children that aren’t theirs for years until they find out through accidents or a mismatch blood during an emergency transfusion
This is for the boys and young men who have died in wars while women languish in the comfort of anguish and loneliness, this are for the soldiers die and the ones who return to an unfaithful wife,
This are for the men who die early, for the carpenter who have to fall from a building and breaking his spine in two in a bid to feed his family, for those who go and rob banks, kill, kidnap to feed a woman, for the men who die undertaking these ordeals, whose wives still leaves them eventually,
Those who suffer irreparable heartbreak from women who divorce them after 20 years of marriage just because things go from sweet to sour financially,
This is for the men who have little penises and are judged for something they did not create, and are insulted for it, cursed and mocked on the street For the time most men had to wait while a woman cut in the line for a similar dilemma, this is for the funny and harmless laughter girls make in their circle of friends when they wave to their male classmate with their last finger
for the men who also stand on the street without anything to eat who are passed by without another look because they don't have what it takes to go into prostitution, at least some people have prostitution
These are for men who aren’t as strong, emotionally, psychologically who in a bid for a companionship have been betrayed and whose heart unable to take such pain lead them to commit suicide, here are for the men who in death are mocked by the same woman who still bring her new boyfriend to the wake to point out his foolishness
This is for the father who have dull pain everywhere in their body and hold it all inside this is for the fathers whose children have been turned against by their mothers For the men who still write love songs for women who hope they will find that person who will understand them, who love in-spite of all these
Who take the plunge head first without any safety net, for the boys who get turned down by ignorant girls because that is what they believe they are supposed to do.
For the little boys from ages 5 to 15 who are sex crazed by the music video they watch on television of matured women in their twenties who psychologically rape them with video of panties and bra together with expensive car as the source of happiness this is for the men that they grow up to become who believed that scam for a long time and struggle to attain it.
This are for genius who have fallen victim of societies trap because of their need for expiation that is used to insult and belittle who they are Cosby, Weinstein, Woody et. al who are victim of the sexual advertisement and suffer the consequence when people react to the side effects of their drugs suffering for the foolishness of a society stuck on  phallic stage,
The ones who have to masturbate to keep a sane mind at work, the ones who are so cool so caring and give with no strings attached, the ones that are easy to talk to, the men who are good listeners but never tell anyone their own problem who the Women practice selective inattentiveness to as if they don't know that inside the men too are hurting
The men who are called scum who get laughed at when they say their feelings, the men who are used, who are considered means to an end, who are only useful provided they provide something, who are dehumanized because of their lack of finance or a good source of income, who in a bid to change their lot have to do inhumane work only to still feel inadequate.
The boy orphan who have had to sleep on the street, and have no one to advise or help him, and the disconnected, disillusioned and angry man that he eventually becomes because of it
This is for men who look for acceptance, who are considered effeminate, gay, queer, sissy, pussy, or not man enough for being quiet, being gentle or seeking love and happiness, for a society that sends them to the pillory for it, knowing full well that the process of duplication from blastula to gastrula in child development is total chaos, it is a wonder how people affirm such social construct on how to behave as a particular gender.
This are for the men who love failures, who go down to the pit of society to bring a woman up only for her to divorce him in court and take all of his life struggle just because of disagreement and leave him broke and finished
These are the injured workers, the men in jails, the men that work the jails, the police men the soldiers, the rebels, the fighters, the men that risk it all to provide food on the table, the
The men who in spite of all these are victims of malice, back biting, kleptomania, selfishness, repression in marriage, shaming, insults, and all sorts of crimes without names that go on in the house and go through it all, without complaining, the men who deny themselves happiness for their wives and children who suffer quietly
The ones who have had to give up sport careers, job offers for a women that don’t value them. The men who support feminism,The men who create ideologies, concepts and religions and die for them. The boys who have botched circumcisions to as to be aesthetically pleasing to another girl someday the men who live and lead lives in-spite of it For The men who do strenuous work, menial jobs, and demeaning works just to feed their family, a family they get by lacerated condoms, sex traps or societal pressure.
The men who get left behind on sinking ships, plane crashes, the men who are forcefully recruited and converted to rebel fighters without any choice
The men who have died coming to the aid of a women those who get injured rescuing others, who still live lives in spite of it 
The men who have been told to keep quiet so much in life they are numb and unfeeling who are criticized for it and sent into a spiral of self doubt and unhappiness The men who go through ugly divorces, who are killed under the general name “people”
The men who cannot afford companionship who hug pillows to sleep every night,and eventually become rapist out of that frustrations to the men who are castrated for it,To the pot bellied men who would rather destroy their body in beer parlors than allow society push them around anymore, the men who are swindled, the men who swindle so as to feed a family or have a feeling placed upon them by society
The CEO of the so called “fortune 500 companies who suffer high blood pressure, heart attack,The men who will never have the money that they dream of and get insulted for it, who still shrug it off and move along,The ones who are used as springboard for entire families on the basis of marriage to a woman the men who are stressed out, stretched thin, disturbed, angered, pushed, and poked to a point of self destruct, to the ones who end up destroyed, forgotten,The boys who are not advised, who still gallivant in ignorance who are laughed at, smirked at, ignored in their folly,The ones who stand in front of their families when burglars break in the house the ones who have had to check first without any manuals just because he is a man, the men who have refused to cry when their heart is broken The men who do all these despite reading this, who still shrug it off and smile to do it all again and say just see things from this perspective whenever you think it is a man 's world

Download The Red Pill HERE OR HERE


Victor Samuel
