No anime have the ability to review slow down and review the anime cliches while still going over a very important story about a samurai who was banned from holding the very essence of every samurai by an invasion of alien species but Gintama did it, flawlessly and still go on to be one of my best anime of all time He is depressed from the loss of a revolution the loss of the and out of a job forms the Odd Jobs group with Shinpachi and Kagura as they wrestle their way from a rented office apartment where they owe through this fascinating anime into the mind and hearts of viewers all over the world, Me inclusive

Principles in poverty, how do you evaluate yourself when all you have is a wooden sword and an invincible code to be a samurai in a intransigent , insouciant and extra terrestrial world and you try your best not to seep into greedy and underhanded means of attaining wealth or join other people in a greed directed sob existence, in order to live life according to your own principles, you have to evaluate how much this principle cost with constant attrition with a world of hands you have to give and still chase idealistic dreams. Sometimes there is the general feel of lethargy can be confusing to a new viewer Since in the world of most anime the action is constant and they portend a every busy nature Gintama transcends all that as it approach each episode like anew day, and like some new days it might be slow and boring today. Their ability to break through the fourth wall easily and still maintain a very wonderful story line is one of the reason makes it one of the best anime i have seen with a mile off this anime is something unique

To watch Gintama you must at least at professional level of anime watching certain jokes and phrases in japan should be known to you, but if you aren't you will get them eventually since most them include the play on word and awkward remarks through abrupt shouts that are meant to be very funny, and with Gintama some of these things are fast moving comedy by the second. For example when you tell a frog to go home in Japanese it is quite funny

It is not your average anime it will seeks to educate you with some of these phrases and culture with the director's comment atop the screen to explain the more complicated puns our some are not hard to explain like the Leo Armstrong Neo Armstrong Cannon take your time and with Gintama it will warm up to you and make you feel everything I remember some jokes like When making the snow statue of Gintoki Sachan made his leg big, Shinpachi called it a glorification of Gintoki, another joke about why most male toilet always have more stains to the left and the reply was that it has been bent that way from doing it a lot most of them are right handed.
Occasionally the author will come as an overworked chimp looking at clouds and wishing he was a cheesecake
Because of the alien invasion narrative there is a wide berth to create anomalies and a lot of wierd stuffs There are also interesting characters like Sa- Chan,Baka Oji, Hijikata, Zura, (Zura ja ne, Katsura da) Okita, Hasegawa , Kondo, and the main ones Gin, Shinpachi and Kagura
Watch out for the extra like "teach me Ginpachi sensei" after ending credits

I downloaded mine from torrent (25GB) but if you want to start slow you can download it HERE

I hope you enjoy it -
will never heal

Reviews by
Victor Samuel
